Will an IMF Bailout Save Argentina’s Macri, or Sink Him?
Non resident fellow Bruno Binetti discusses the causes of the financial crisis, and the economic and political implications of an IMF bailout for Argentina and Macri.
Non resident fellow Bruno Binetti discusses the causes of the financial crisis, and the economic and political implications of an IMF bailout for Argentina and Macri.
What is behind the slide in the Argentine peso, and what more can the central bank do to address the problem? Is Macri making the right move by seeking help from the IMF, or will he pay a political price at home for embracing the Washington-based lender? Is Argentina at risk of falling into a full-blown financial and economic crisis this year?
Argentina’s turn to the IMF to relieve pressure on the peso carries significant political risks for the president.
An innovative program developed by the Argentine Ministry of Education and the Varkey Foundation is preparing school directors to be effective leaders.
Macri has repeatedly said that he will maintain his course and not yield to what he calls the political opportunism of the opposition. But if he is to lead a true alternative to the left- and right-wing populist tendencies that have ruled Argentina for decades, Macri’s gradualism must pick up the pace and start showing results.
The unraveling of UNASUR—perhaps the most ambitious attempt at Latin American integration in recent times—is another sign that Latin America’s much-vaunted solidarity has splintered.
Although perhaps justified by the tragic events in Syria, President Trump’s last-minute decision to skip the eighth Summit of the Americas, which begins this week in Lima, Peru, was discouraging to his Latin American and Caribbean counterparts.
Hallazgos y recomendaciones sobre cómo mejorar las políticas públicas docentes en Argentina.
Findings and recommendations to strengthen teacher policies in Argentina.
The government of Neuquén—Argentina’s top oil and gas producing province and home to the country’s huge shale play Vaca Muerta—is implementing a detailed plan to eliminate barriers to hydrocarbon development, Governor Omar Gutierrez said at an Inter-American Dialogue panel discussion. This includes facilitating equipment imports by removing customs tariffs, gradually eliminating consumer subsidies for natural gas, and signing a new labor agreement between the provincial government and labor unions.
Por segundo año consecutivo, Donald Trump está al tope de las noticias y personajes relevantes en la encuesta GDA. Un año después de su llegada a la Casa Blanca, Estados Unidos atraviesa un período de polarización social, creciente desigualdad y deterioro institucional como pocos en su historia.
El 10 de diciembre, Mauricio Macri cumplió dos años como Presidente de Argentina. Para realizar un análisis sobre su presidencia, el jueves 7 de diciembre El Diálogo tuvo la oportunidad de presentar al periodista argentino Carlos Pagni, uno de los analistas políticos más influyentes ante la opinión pública de su país.
El 29 de noviembre Lisa Viscidi, la directora del Programa de Energía, Cambio Climático e Industrias Extractivas, impartió una presentación en un evento de COMEXI en la Ciudad de México sobre la competitividad del sector petrolero en América Latina.
En entrevista con EduPrensa, el director del programa de Educación del Diálogo Interamericano, Ariel Fiszbein, habla sobre los principales retos educativos que enfrenta América Latina y sobre los avances de los últimos años en algunos países que han priorizado la educación.
Ariel Fiszbein del Diálogo Interamericano habla sobre los retos que enfrentan los programas de enseñanza de idioma inglés en América Latina.