
Latin America’s Presidential Elections: Are Mexico, Brazil and Colombia Ready for Anti-Establishment Candidates?

Next year, critical elections in Latin America’s three most populous countries—Colombia, Mexico and Brazil—are likely to reveal a distemper stemming from citizen disgust with a mix of corruption scandals, mediocre economies, unremitting violence and a largely discredited political class. All three presidential contests are wide open and ripe for anti-establishment challengers.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Newsweek


Cuba’s future after Raul Castro retires

A year following the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, the relationship between the U.S. and the island nation has dramatically changed. To discuss this and more, President of the Inter-American Dialogue, Michael Shifter spoke with CGTN’s Susan Roberts.

Michael Shifter, Susan Roberts

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN

Will Venezuela Be Able to Restructure Its Billions in Debt?

President Nicolás Maduro this month called for a restructuring of Venezuela’s massive debt, estimated at $120 billion. The announcement led to a selloff in the country’s bonds and was seen as a sign that Maduro’s government may finally be reaching the limits of its ability to pay its debts. Russia later agreed to a $3.5 billion debt restructuring with Venezuela. How much success will Maduro have in restructuring Venezuela’s debt, and could such a move lead Venezuela to emerge from its economic crisis?

Luis Vicente León, Richard Francis, Eva Golinger, Charles Shapiro

Latin America Advisor ˙

Competitividad del sector petrolero en América Latina

El 29 de noviembre Lisa Viscidi, la directora del Programa de Energía, Cambio Climático e Industrias Extractivas, impartió una presentación en un evento de COMEXI en la Ciudad de México sobre la competitividad del sector petrolero en América Latina. 

Event Summaries ˙

Prospects for expanding US natural gas exports to Latin America

Energy continues to be a bright spot in the US-Latin America relationship and new developments, like an uptick in US LNG exports, offer opportunities to increase energy security and cooperation across the Western Hemisphere.

Rebecca O’Connor

Event Summaries ˙

Sin brújula en un mundo incierto

Por segundo año consecutivo, Donald Trump está al tope de las noticias y personajes relevantes en la encuesta GDA. Un año después de su llegada a la Casa Blanca, Estados Unidos atraviesa un período de polarización social, creciente desigualdad y deterioro institucional como pocos en su historia.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Universal

Trump y el mundo: jugando con fuego

No pueden ignorarse los efectos corrosivos que la presidencia de Trump está teniendo sobre la democracia estadounidense y sus normas de tolerancia y civilidad. La única pregunta es cuánto daño habrá hecho Trump antes de que alguien lo frene, y si será posible repararlo.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Ideele

Why Relations Between Brazil and Venezuela Have Sunk to New Lows

Peter Hakim explains what is behind the breakdown in relations between Venezuela and Brazil, and what regional governments are doing in response to the ongoing crisis in Venezuela under President Nicolas Maduro.

Peter Hakim

Interviews ˙ ˙ World Politics Review

The Energy Solution Latin America Needs

If the region increases renewables to 80% of the electricity matrix and expands integration, countries can save billions of dollars in investments, avoid blackouts and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, argue Lisa Viscidi and Ariel Yépez.

Lisa Viscidi, Rigoberto Ariel Yépez-García

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times

El dilema de la oposición venezolana

Con cada acto autoritario, el chavismo pierde más de la poca legitimidad que le queda ante su propio pueblo y la comunidad internacional. La MUD no debería hacerle las cosas más sencillas. La respuesta al dilema opositor pasa por comprender cuál es la estrategia que debilita más al gobierno y da más chances de que ocurra una transición a la democracia tarde o temprano.

Bruno Binetti, Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Tercera


Venezolanos en busca de nuevos horizontes: ¿qué hacer?

¿Cómo responder al éxodo de miles de venezolanos a otros países de la región? ¿Aceptarlo, controlarlo o rechazarlo? CNN analiza la situación con Manuel Orozco, director del programa de remesas, migración, y desarrollo del Diálogo Interamericano.

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN Español

Venezuela Rebukes Tillerson

Interviewed by Carole MacNeil for CBC Network, Michael Camilleri, director of the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program at the Inter-American Dialogue, discusses the Venezuelan crisis, its upcoming elections, and the response from the US, China, and other Latin-American countries to this crisis. 

Michael Camilleri, Carole MacNeil

Interviews ˙ ˙ CBC News

What Can Be Done About Venezuela’s Migrant Crisis?

What security issues are most pressing for border areas in Colombia and Brazil? How much assistance will the regional and national governments need to deal with the crisis, and what more can be done as Venezuela’s outlook worsens?

Maria Velez de Berliner, Geoff Ramsey, Francisco Márquez Lara

Latin America Advisor ˙