En este libro se intenta aportar luces al debate y amplir nuestra comprensión de la función de la educación privada en América Latina. En él se describe el actual conjunto de políticas y relaciones que vincula a los sectores público y privado en una diversidad de países de la región.…
This document collects thoughts built by el Programa Alianzas Empresa Educaciom (Education Partnership Program) during their years of existence around practices responsible for the private sector that aims to work with primary and secondary education. The document is divided in the following chapters: the private sector’s intervention in education, the…
During the 80s and 90s, most Latin American countries pushed transformations that led to a much more favorable educational system than the one in the past decades. Educational reforms were characterized by institutional changes; the adoption of quality measurement systems and evaluation of learning outcomes; the review of curricula and…
In the United States, 49 states already have educational standards (in Iowa they do not exist, but rather each school district-371 in total- has developed their own). The standards and the accountability systems to which they belong , have become the main instrument of public policy, which aim to improve…
In recent years, various international and regional organizations have recommended that Latin American countries participate in international academic assessments. This suggestion is based on the argument that the performance results are very useful to inform countries about the quality of their education systems, and consequently about their competitiveness in global…
In the past five years the country has showed progress in education. More children and youth are enrolled, dropout and repetition rates have decrease, teacher trainings have improved and there is a new system for entering and moving up the career ladder based on performance. In addition, resources for this…
Panama is currently transforming its education system. Although many of our education indicators are the best in Central America, there are still inequalities in school access and quality, as a still low enrollment in preschool, secondary and higher education. This situation affects adversely the productive force of the country. Without…
Consejo del Sector Pirvado para la Asistencia Educacional
Se ha comprobado que la educación primaria es fundamental para el desarrollo económico y social a largo plazo. A pesar de que muchos países de América Latina y el Caribe están plenamente conscientes de la importancia de lograr mejoras en la calidad de la educación, aún falta mucho por hacer.…
Los Cuatro Elementos Esenciales para un sistema de estándares altos son: Estándares académicos comunes. Estándares comunes, conocidos públicamente, para lo que los estudiantes deben saber y ser capaces de hacer en cada grado y nivel. Evaluaciones. Pruebas administradas por el estado para medir el progreso hacia los estándares. Recompensas explícitas…
Since 1993 , the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education (MED ) has focused on the implementation of an autonomy school program, through which each school receives a fiscal transfer managed by a local school board. In principle , the board has full authority over the use of budget and the responsibility for…
The purpose of this document is to give a review of the policies, programs and practices related to parental and community involvement in schools in seven Latin American countries: Bolivia , Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
In search of extend coverage, each subsystem has implemented strategies according to their characteristics (decentralization, engagement with the private system, extension of public supply), but with the common objective to integrate more the vulnerable people.
This report is invaluable for those responsible of formulating policies and those who lead education systems or those who should address a plan of action to improve the systems, in addition to providing a powerful analytical tool with its database interventions to help guide such action.
During the last ten years, the number of children and youth attending schools, especially preschool and secondary has increased, and important improvements in the quality of education service. However, these efforts are still not enough. In the XXI century, 8% of Colombian population (3.5 million people) are illiterate, and in…
The Ecuadorian education system has improved since the previous 2006 report. Ecuador has achieved to expand enrollment in basic education and most students complete the six years of regulatory primary education. The new evaluation system not only monitors students, but also teachers, management and curriculum, making it easier to identify…