
Photo of Presidential Candidate Efrain Alegre with former President Fernando Lugo

Myers: “The rationale for cutting ties with Taiwan is mostly based on the expected benefits of direct agricultural and other trade with China…”

This week, Margaret Myers, director of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Asia and Latin America Program, spoke with Newsweek about the significance of upcoming presidential elections in Paraguay for the country’s relationship with Taiwan, and Taiwan’s relations with the LAC region more broadly.

Margaret Myers, Tom O'Connor

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Newsweek

Photo of Santiago Peña

What Will Peña’s Presidency Bring to Paraguay?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on Paraguay’s presidential elections.

Cordula Tibi Weber, Brian Turner, Barbara Ganson, R. Andrew Nickson

Latin America Advisor ˙