
Can Latin America transition to low carbon energy?

The agreements of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and COP21 in Paris put Latin American governments in a crucial stage to take action by developing adequate policies to scale up investments in renewable energy and making alliances to receive capacity-building and technological support.

Event Summaries ˙

US-Latin America Energy Investment

While the Trump administration’s “America first” policies are aimed primarily at giving higher priority to national security and economic growth for the United States, the White House’s approach will have impacts on energy relations with the rest of the hemisphere that should also be considered.

Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor

Reports ˙

Tom Shannon

Member in the News: Tom Shannon

On July 28, Ambassador Tom Shannon, former under secretary of state for political affairs, participated in a virtual briefing organized by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) to discuss a new report by SFRC Democratic Staff. The report is titled Diplomacy in Crisis: The Trump Administration’s Decimation of the State Department.

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

Member in the News ˙

Dan Erikson

Alumnus in the News: Dan Erikson

Daniel P. Erikson, previously Managing Director at Blue Star Strategies, LLC has been sworn in as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Western Hemisphere Affairs. 

Daniel P. Erikson

Alumni in the News ˙