
Las agendas de Trump para América Latina

Nada indica que el resto de América Latina no pueda volverse blanco de la ira nacionalista de Trump en el futuro.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Comercio


Peruvian Politics Under Strain

A year and a half into his term, President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski’s government is in crisis over revelations that the president accepted payments connected to the Odebrecht corruption scandal.

Luis Carlos Battista

Event Summaries ˙

Martin Vizcarra, president of Peru, during ceremony for new foreign minister Néstor Popolizio Bardales Video

Elections for Congress in Peru

On Sunday, January 26 Peru will hold extraordinary elections for congress after President Martin Vizcarra dissolved it in September last year. Michael Shifter discussed with BBC Newshour what this election means for Peru.  

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC Newshour