
Producing High-Quality Teachers

Teaching is crucial to high-quality education, yet there is little agreement on how to produce high-quality teachers

Jeffrey Puryear

Reports ˙

What Do Great Teachers Do?

Recent research suggests that teachers are the most important factor in improving student learning.

Jeffrey Puryear

Articles & Op-Eds ˙

Fourteen Lessons for Improving Learning

Fourteen lessons that may be helpful for organizations seeking to improve learning in Latin America’s education systems or in other regions of the world.

Jeffrey Puryear

Reports ˙

Education in Latin America

Traditional policies , mainly based in expanding coverage to more students,are currently inadequate tothe social and economic changes that are happening in the region.

Jeffrey Puryear

Reports ˙

Failing Grade

The goal of education is to promote learning. Sitting in classrooms is a weak proxy for knowing how to read, do math, and apply science. Latin America needs to worry less about schooling and more about learning.

Jeffrey Puryear

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Americas Quarterly

In Rebuilding Haiti, Improving Education Must Be a Priority

Haiti is not only the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it is also the least educated. Roughly half the population is illiterate. Only two-thirds of children who begin primary school complete it.

Jeffrey Puryear

˙ Latin America Advisor


CIEPLAN Celebrates 40th Anniversary

CIEPLAN, one of Chile’s (and Latin America’s) leading think tanks, celebrated its 40th anniversary on November 7th in Santiago

Jeffrey Puryear

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ CIEPLAN

Fiscal Policy & the Poor in Latin America

Good fiscal policy not only promotes macroeconomic stability and growth, it is also a powerful tool for directly reducing poverty and inequality.

Jeffrey Puryear, Mariellen Malloy Jewers

Reports ˙

Accountability educacional

Este libro recoge algunos trabajos seleccionados de entre las varias ponencias presentadas en el “Seminario Accountability educacional: posibilidades y desafíos para América Latina a partir de la experiencia internacional”, una iniciativa conjunta del Preal y el CIDE desarrollada en Santiago de Chile bajo los auspicios de la USAID y la…

Jeffrey Puryear, Bruno V. Manno, R.W. McMeekin, Donald R. Winkler, Marcus Winters

Reports ˙

Sobre Estándares y Evaluaciones en América Latina

Esta antología reúne algunos de los principales estudios sobre políticas y prácticas de determinación de expectativas y evaluación de logros de aprendizaje en América Latina realizados por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Estándares y Evaluación del PREAL en el período 2000-2004.   Descargue el documento completo abajo.

Jeffrey Puryear, Patricia Arregui

Reports ˙