Analysis Region : Central America & Caribbean

Sarah Stanton: « Cómo construir redes de política educativa: Cinco lecciones de la Coalición Latinoamericana para la Excelencia Docente »

Sarah Stanton, gerente del Programa de Educación del Diálogo Interamericano, publicó el artículo « Cómo construir redes de política educativa: Cinco lecciones de la Coalición Latinoamericana para la Excelencia Docente » en Cuadernos de Pedagogía, revista mensual especializada en el sector de la enseñanza.

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Inclusion and Development in Intermediate Cities in Guatemala: Building a Path Towards Prosperity and Equality

In May 2023, the Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities project, implemented by the Inter-American Dialogue with the support of the Cities Alliance and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), began operations with the goal of providing economic and educational opportunities to vulnerable populations at risk of migration in the department of San Marcos.

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Is There a Real-World Alternative to Bukele on Crime?

It’s difficult to talk about public safety in Latin America today without talking about El Salvador and its president, Nayib Bukele. In a region where concerns about crime are running high, and organized crime groups are expanding their reach in many places, El Salvador stands out.

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The Authoritarian Wave in the XXI Century: Toward A Democratic Reset

On September 26, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “The Authoritarian Wave in the XXI Century: Toward A Democratic Reset. » The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Working Group on Politics and Mediation in Nicaragua focuses on the global rise of authoritarian regimes and their impact on democracy, security, and migration. 

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Building Climate Justice and Equity: Recommendations from Caribbean Partners on PACC 2030

On September 19, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report « Building Climate Justice and Equity: Recommendations from Caribbean Partners on PACC 2030. » This report, authored by Caribbean scholar Dr. Stacy-ann Robinson, integrates the viewpoints of the Citizen Advisory Group on PACC 2030, evaluating the initiative’s current effectiveness and outlining a strategic plan for future policy enhancements in the Caribbean.

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Mercados eléctricos y la transición verde en Centroamérica

Centroamérica está avanzando de manera significativa hacia una transición energética más limpia y sostenible. Los programas de transición energética y climática, junto con políticas y regulaciones favorables, están fomentando un entorno propicio para el desarrollo de proyectos que energías renovables.

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El fracaso de las dictaduras del siglo XXI: el destino de Nicaragua

Creer que con quedarse callado y pretender que no pasa nada en una dictadura, y hasta pensar que las violaciones de derechos humanos solo afectan a los militantes y activistas que desafían al régimen, no solamente es equivocado, sino que además contribuye a postergar las transiciones democráticas.

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The Inter-American Dialogue Education Program


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