Central America & the Caribbean

The Inter-American Dialogue’s work in Central America and the Caribbean examines opportunities and challenges facing the 28 countries and islands in the region. Issues include security, migration, drug policy, remittances, education, integration, and trade. 

The Inter-American Dialogue has been working jointly with Haiti’s Université Quisqueya to develop an independent, non-partisan initiative called Think Tank Haiti (TTH). In the last few ​recent months, the crisis in Haiti has reached new lows. Gangs have more power than ever, the prime minister has torpedoed his own dialogue with civil society, shortages in food, fuel, and even water are widespread, and cholera has reappeared after more than a three-year absence. The international community has renewed its interest in Haiti and is expected to decide soon if a new peacekeeping mission will be sent by the UN. ​These interconnected challenges, on top of repeated natural disasters, have neither quick nor clear solutions. The mission of TTH is to reinforce and build upon Haiti’s capacity to analyze, understand, and respond to the multiple, devastating challenges confronting the nation today.

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Foto de manifestantes en las protestas en Nicaragua de 2018

Tres desafíos para la transición democrática frente a la sucesión dinástica

El consenso global, dentro y fuera del país, es que el principal objetivo de Nicaragua como nación es derrotar el proyecto de sucesión dinástica del régimen actual, para abrir el camino hacia una transición democrática. La realidad obliga a diferenciar entre la lucha por alcanzar el cambio político, y cómo gobernar democráticamente. El denominador común, sin embargo, sigue siendo el mismo, crear una coalición con capacidad de lograr el cambio, y con capacidad de gobernar democráticamente.

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[Nicaragua] went from a political crisis of struggling for democratization, and to dismantle the clientelist scaffolding, to a regime with a tropicalized Taliban-style radicalization, underpinned by a criminalization of democracy, state capture, fear of violence, international isolation, and post-truth.
Es un autoaislamiento táctico alineado con estados agresores y su sostenimiento ha sido accidental: endeudamiento y remesas. Ambos suman el 35 por ciento del ingreso nacional [de Nicaragua], más un comercio exterior que no afecta a los capitales transnacionales.