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Foto del Palacio Nacional en Managua, Nicaragua

¿Ya pasó todo? Nicaragua 45 años más tarde…

La Nicaragua de julio de 2024 es muy diferente a lo que comúnmente se ha visto y vivido en los últimos diez años. Es el lugar en que ha desembocado un estado policial, corrupto, oportunista y mentiroso. A 45 años no se celebra un triunfo, se revive un Déjà vu.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Photo of Ricardo Zúñiga

Ricardo Zúñiga

Ricardo Zúñiga is a founding partner at Dinámica Americas and a Senior Advisor with the US Institute of Peace.

Photo of protesters in Nicaragua during the 2018 protests

Democracy Under Siege in Central America

Democracy is under threat in Central America and authoritarianism is on the rise. This problem is having long-term institutional and economic implications for these countries and poses serious challenges for US policy towards the region. Uncheckered political ambitions and abuses of authority in the form of corruption or political and economic favoritism are signs of severe democratic backsliding. Nicaragua is an illustration of the consequences of unconstrained power. But the growing corruption and political ambitions of other Central American leaders could further affect democratic institutions in the region. It is important not only to bear witness but to mobilize proactive foreign policy to prevent authoritarianism from rising.

Luis A. Rivas

Photo of Monica Palencia

Mónica Palencia

Mónica Palencia Núñez es la ministra del interior del Ecuador bajo la administración de Daniel Noboa. Ha ejercido durante treinta años en áreas como negocios internacionales, derecho penal, procesal penal y política criminal.

Photo of Perspectives on Remittances in 2024 panel Video

Perspectives on Remittances in 2024

On February 16, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development program invited representatives from across the remittance industry to discuss the potential for developments in the industry and to discuss their outlook for 2024.

Patrick Springer

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of the Centro Universitario de San Marcos (CUSAM)

Migration and Development in Guatemala

On February 27, 2024, Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Inter-American Dialogue, presented, “Migración, Remesas y Desarrollo en Guatemala Tendencias y Recomendaciones” (or “Migration, Remittances, and Development in Guatemala – Trends and Recommendations”) to students at the Centro Universitario de San Marcos (CUSAM).

Manuel Orozco

Presentations ˙

Photo of migration data

Migration and Remittances: An Outlook for 2024

The following note by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Inter-American Dialogue, offers some observations pertaining to a migration and remittance outlook in 2024.

Manuel Orozco

Photo of Manuel Orozco and All Things Considered Graphic Video

Orozco: “Nicaragua is responsible for at least 10 percent of all migration that has arrived into the Mexico-US border”

On January 4, 2024, director of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development program, Manuel Orozco, sat down with NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly on “All Things Considered” to discuss the recent weaponization of migration by the Ortega-Murillo regime. The two discussed the recent trend within the context of US elections in November 2024 in which immigration is a highly debated issue.

Manuel Orozco

Podcasts ˙ ˙ NPR

Panelist at the Event Mobilizing Youth for Democracy Video

Mobilizing Youth for Democracy and Human Rights

In the midst of democratic decline in the region, young people are emerging as agents of change. Their active participation not only represents a fresh and vibrant voice in regional politics but also offers a new perspective and focus to address the challenges facing the region.

Daniel Caballero, Patrick Springer

Event Summaries ˙

Foto de Rosa María Payá

Rosa María Payá

Rosa María Payá is a Cuban activist for human rights, democracy, and freedom. Payá is the founder of Cuba Decide (Cuba Decides), a nonviolent, nonprofit, nonpartisan and plural grassroots campaign organizing for freedom in Cuba.

Photo of young women protesting in Argentina

Mobilizing Youth for Democracy and Human Rights

Join us for a conversation with Latin American youth leaders about civic and political participation during times of democratic backsliding. For 75 years, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man have guided and informed the Inter-American system’s observance of basic political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Youth, through student organizations, street protests, public opinion, or social media, have spearheaded the protection of these rights and the advancement of democratic reforms. In partnership with the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Dialogue will host youth leaders from across the region to discuss the future of youth engagement for democracy and human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Margaret Myers, Georg Sparber, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, Manuel Orozco, Sebastián Flores, María del Mar Jaramillo Salcedo, Rosa María Payá, Walter Corzo