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Cuba & US: Long Road Ahead

Cuba and the US still have a long way to go as they continue to build their relationship.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ ideele

Shifter, Diario de Cuba (14 May 2015)

Si los políticos establecen un marco adecuado para la colaboración bilateral, la comunidad científica responderá y la cooperación entre Cuba y EEUU se ampliará sustancialmente.

Shifter, Diario de Cuba (14 May 2015)

Si los políticos establecen un marco adecuado para la colaboración bilateral, la comunidad científica responderá y la cooperación entre Cuba y EEUU se ampliará sustancialmente.


Perspective from Cuba

The removal of Cuba from the list of states sponsoring terrorism has opened the way for the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Event Summaries ˙

US Policy Shift on Cuba: 3 Month Assessment

Nearly three months have passed since the Obama Administration announced its historic changes on Cuba policy.  Have the changes proceeded as expected?  What have been the most important steps to date of greater opening and engagement?  How have Cuban government officials responded so far to the announced policy shift?  To…

US Policy Shift on Cuba

The process of normalizing diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba is proceeding slowly, but holds great promise for businesses.

Gene Kuleta, Devry Boughner Vorwerk

Event Summaries ˙

Bad Habits Can Derail Negotiations in Cuba

Fidel Castro, or at least the message released in his name, tepidly endorsed the decision to normalize relations between the US and Cuba.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam

Orozco, Cubanet (25 Feb 2015)

Con la apertura diplomática y económica iniciada por el presidente Barack Obama hacia Cuba la cuantía de las remesas desde Estados Unidos a Cuba podría duplicarse a partir de este año.

Cuba and the US

A normalization of relations will now push Cuba to view its problems as its own, and not as a result of failed US policy.

Murat Dagli

Event Summaries ˙