Latin America Advisor

Latin America Advisor

A Publication of The Dialogue

Are Kenyan Police Starting to Make Progress in Haiti?

The first contingent of Kenyan police officers arrived in Haiti in late June to help the country fight gangs. Kenyan President William Ruto told the BBC in May that the officers are a “peacekeeping” force, not an occupying one. // File Photo: Kenyan Government.

A long-awaited first contingent of approximately 200 Kenyan police officers, of a force that is to eventually include 2,500 personnel, arrived in Haiti in late June in an effort to help the Caribbean fight the gangs that have taken control of areas including Port-au-Prince, 80 percent of which they are believed to control. Since their arrival in Haiti, how much have the Kenyan police been able to accomplish? How are Haiti’s gangs responding to their presence? To what extent will the Kenyan police officers be able to help Haiti improve security, and what are their most pressing first tasks?

François Pierre-Louis, professor of political science at Queens College, City University of New York: “Although the media announced that 400 Kenyan police officers were to arrive in Haiti on June 25, only 198 came. A few days after their arrival, news reports showed the troops patrolling some of the safer streets of the capital. It was a real letdown for the Haitian population that expected the arrival of the troops with a loud bang. The small contingent that arrived is not equipped to face the well-armed gangs or develop a credible strategy to restore order in the capital. Haitians were further discouraged when Prime Minister Garry Conille said the troops are not there to fight the gangs and that he could not give a specific time frame when the remaining force will arrive. The gangs initially laid low after they saw the U.S. military planes landing with heavy equipment and materials to support the Multinational Security Support force. However, the prime minister’s comment and the small number of the police force right now have…”

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The Inter-American Dialogue publishes the Latin America Advisor every business day for a distinguished membership of informed corporate leaders, scholars, and government officials invested in Latin America’s development and future. The Advisor‘s highly regarded Q&A section covers questions submitted by subscribers themselves. Commentators regularly include heads of state, business leaders, diplomats, economists, analysts, and thought leaders from around the world. Many of the world’s largest and fastest-growing companies subscribe to the Advisor. To subscribe, click here. For terms and conditions, click here. For more information, contact Gene Kuleta, editor of the Advisor, at

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Gene Kuleta

P. 202.463.2920

Carl David Goette-Luciak


Nili Blanck
