Latin America Advisor

Latin America Advisor

A Publication of The Dialogue

How Well Is Peru Balancing Mining & Local Concerns?

Southern Copper, one of whose projects is pictured, has expressed hopes that it will soon be able to start construction on its Tía María project in Southern Peru. // File Photo: Southern Copper.

Southern Copper is hoping to start construction this year or in the first half of next year, on its long-stalled Tía María project in Peru, the company’s vice president of finance, Raúl Jacob, told Reuters on May 21. The project, which has been delayed for years amid opposition by local communities, is expected to produce 120,000 metric tons of copper annually once it’s fully operational. How likely is the project to launch by the middle of next year? How well are Peru’s national and local governments, local residents and miners working together in order to pursue development while also addressing the needs and concerns of communities? How much does Peru need to boost the production of metals?

Gonzalo Tamayo, partner at Macroconsult in Lima and former Peruvian minister of energy and mines: “Due to the social relations work that Southern Copper has directly carried out in recent years in the Tía María project area, it has significantly improved its relationship with the community. This has allowed the company to announce that there are hopes that work on the project can begin soon, when conditions allow it. The probability of developing this project has increased significantly. The next three to six months will be crucial to confirm this hypothesis. Some signs of protests regarding the company’s decision may appear in the coming weeks, but I hope they will be limited. The fundamental challenge is to ensure a continuous and active presence of state institutions in the area, which can meet the requirements of the population. Peru has high geological potential in the region in several minerals required for…”

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The Inter-American Dialogue publishes the Latin America Advisor every business day for a distinguished membership of informed corporate leaders, scholars, and government officials invested in Latin America’s development and future. The Advisor‘s highly regarded Q&A section covers questions submitted by subscribers themselves. Commentators regularly include heads of state, business leaders, diplomats, economists, analysts, and thought leaders from around the world. Many of the world’s largest and fastest-growing companies subscribe to the Advisor. To subscribe, click here. For terms and conditions, click here. For more information, contact Gene Kuleta, editor of the Advisor, at

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Gene Kuleta

P. 202.463.2920

Carl David Goette-Luciak


Nili Blanck
