Japan’s Role in LAC’s Covid-19 Recovery
Japan has a critical role to play in Latin America’s post-Covid-19 recovery.
Venezuela |  Former Program Associate, Asia & Latin America Program, Inter-American Dialogue
+1-202-822-9002 ˙ press@thedialogue.org ˙
Guillermo García Montenegro was a Program Associate for the Asia & Latin America Program at the Inter-American Dialogue. He received his M.A. in Latin American Studies and International Economics from Johns Hopkins SAIS, where he analyzed Chinese investments in Latin America and the resulting impact they have had on both the political economy of the region and the region’s relationship with the United States. He holds a graduate certificate from the Hopkins-Nanjing Center and a B.A. in Sociology and International Studies from Kenyon College. He is proficient in Spanish, English, and Mandarin.
Japan has a critical role to play in Latin America’s post-Covid-19 recovery.
A wide variety of factors—domestic and external—will shape 5G deployment in the Latin American region over the next few years.