Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

The Inter-American Dialogue’s in-house analysts leverage their extensive expertise to develop innovative, comprehensive, and practical policy recommendations and proposals for action. Collaborating with our Board of Directors, members, fellows, and other advisors, they ensure that our policy solutions are inclusive and reflect a diverse array of viewpoints. Staff actively engage with government officials, civil society leaders, and private stakeholders for maximum impact of our work.

Rebecca Bill Chavez

United States | President & CEO, Inter-American Dialogue

Dr. Rebecca Bill Chavez is president and CEO of the Inter-American Dialogue, a hemispheric organization that builds networks of cooperation and action to advance democratic resilience, shared prosperity, social inclusion, and sustainable development across the Americas. She has over 30 years of experience in academia, policymaking, and government service.

Elizabeth Belair

Elizabeth Belair currently serves as the Chief of Staff at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Alfonso Blanco

Alfonso Blanco Bonilla is the director of the Energy & Climate Transition Program at the...

Daniel Caballero

Daniel Caballero is as a Senior Program Associate in the Peter D. Bell Rule of...

Mercedes Davico

Mercedes Davico joined the Education Program at the Inter-American Dialogue as a Communication & Knowledge...

Lydia Maria Dibos

Lydia Maria Dibos is the director of development at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Micaela Finoli

Micaela Finoli joined the Education Program at the Inter-American Dialogue as a Research Associate in...

Gemma Givens

Gemma Givens is the communications associate at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Anna Herrero Tejada

Anna Herrero Tejada is a Senior Program Associate for the Education Program at the Inter-American...

Bernarda Jarrín

Bernarda Jarrín currently serves a Program Associate in the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law...

Michael Kerns

Michael Kerns joined the Inter-American Dialogue as a program assistant with the Energy Transition &...

Gene Kuleta

Gene Kuleta is the editor of the Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor newsletters....

Lucas Martins Carvalho

Lucas Martins joined the Inter-American Dialogue in 2022 as the Program Assistant for the Education...

Margaret Myers

Margaret Myers is a senior advisor to the Asia & Latin America Program at the...

Manuel Orozco

Manuel Orozco is the director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development Program at the Inter-American...

Jack Quinn

Jack Quinn joined the Inter-American Dialogue in September 2024 as a reporter for the Latin...

Sarah Stanton

Sarah Stanton joined the Inter-American Dialogue in 2017 as a Program Manager in the Education...

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Tamara Taraciuk Broner is director of the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program at...

Yifang Wang

Yifang Wang joined the Inter-American Dialogue in January 2024 as a Program Associate for the...
Inter-American Dialogue fellows are subject matter experts in priority areas and play a vital role in our programmatic activities. They engage in our meetings and working groups, spearhead special projects, analyze current events across the Western Hemisphere, and inform our policy research.

Leonardo Beltrán

Leonardo Beltran is a seasoned energy professional with more than 20 years of experience. Beltran...

Bruno Binetti

Bruno Binetti is a non-resident research fellow with the office of the president at the...

Sergio Bitar

Sergio Bitar is a member and non-resident senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Álvaro Botero

Álvaro Botero is a non-resident senior fellow for the Education Program at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Irene Cañas Díaz

Irene Cañas Díaz is a civil engineer and graduate of the University of Costa Rica,...

Santiago Canton

Santiago A. Canton is the former director of the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law...

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Kevin Casas-Zamora is a non-resident senior fellow with the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law...

Alejandra Cortázar

Alejandra Cortázar is a non-resident senior fellow for the Education Program at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Peter Hakim

Peter Hakim is president emeritus and a senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue. From 1993...

Eric Jacobstein

Eric Jacobstein is a nonresident senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue where he provides expertise...

Edison Lanza

Edison Lanza is a non-resident senior fellow with the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law...

Nora Lustig

Dialogue Member and non-resident senior fellow Nora Lustig is Samuel Z. Stone Professor of Latin...

Jaime Pumarejo

Jaime Pumarejo Heins was mayor of Barranquilla, Colombia from 2020 to 2023. Pumarejo is an...

Jeffrey Puryear

Jeffrey Puryear is a senior fellow with the Education Program at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Luis A. Rivas

Luis A. Rivas is a non-resident senior fellow with the Migration, Remittances and Development Program...

Jorge Rivera Staff

Jorge Rivera Staff is a leader in sustainable development policies and projects in environments of...

Mauricio E. Roitman

Mauricio E. Roitman is the president and co-founder of Energeia and a consultant in energy...

Adrean Scheid

Adrean Elisabeth Scheid brings to her practice extensive corporate affairs and global public policy experience,...

Michael Shifter

Michael Shifter is currently a senior fellow with the Inter-American Dialogue. He previously served as...

Daniela Stevens

Dr. Daniela Stevens is director of the Energy Transition & Climate Program at the Inter-American...

Antonia Urrejola

Dialogue Member Antonia Urrejola is a non-resident senior fellow with the Office of the President...

Lisa Viscidi

Lisa Viscidi is a non-resident senior fellow with the Energy Transition and Climate Program at...

Carlos Winograd

Carlos Winograd is a non-resident senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue. He is a professor...

The Inter-American Dialogue’s membership is composed of over 100 esteemed public and private leaders from the United States, Canada, and 21 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Among them, 18 have served as presidents of their countries, over three dozen have served at the cabinet level, and 17 have held seats in national legislatures. Dialogue members enrich our debate on the region’s most pressing issues, lend credibility to our policy outputs, and ensure diverse perspectives across the ideological spectrum.

Sebastián Acha

Dialogue Member Sebastián Acha is the executive director of PRO Desarrollo Paraguay, a former representative...

Andrés Allamand

Dialogue Member Andrés Allamand is a Chilean senator and former defense minister....

Tabata Amaral

Dialogue Member Tabata Amaral is a federal deputy for the Democratic Labor Party (PDT) representing...

Nicolás Ardito-Barletta

Dialogue Member Nicolás Ardito-Barletta served as president of Panama from 1984 to 1985....

Marisol Argueta

Dialogue Member Marisol Argueta is the head of Latin America and member of the Executive...

Bernard Aronson

Dialogue Member Bernard Aronson is a founder and managing partner of ACON Investments....

Michelle Bachelet

Dialogue Member Michelle Bachelet is the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the former...

Alicia Bárcena

Alicia Bárcena is currently the Mexican Ambassador in Chile and was previously the executive secretary...

Xavier Becerra

Dialogue Member Xavier Becerra is the current attorney general of California. Prior to becoming attorney...

Sergio Bitar

Sergio Bitar is a member and non-resident senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue....

Catalina Botero

Catalina Botero Marino is a lawyer, director of the UNESCO Chair on Freedom of Expression...

Ángel Cabrera

Dialogue Member Ángel Cabrera is president of the Georgia Institute of Technology. From 2012 until...

Epsy Campbell Barr

Epsy Campbell Barr was vice president of Costa Rica and previously the foreign minister and...

Lázaro Cárdenas Batel

Dialogue Member Lázaro Cárdenas Batel is a Mexican politician, serving as a chief adviser to...

Edwin Carrington

Dialogue Member Edwin Carrington served as secretary general of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) from 1992...

Julieta Castellanos

Dialogue Member Julieta Castellanos is a Honduran sociologist and activist. She served as rector of...

Julián Castro

Dialogue Member Julián Castro is a politician who served as the Secretary of Housing and...

Fernando Cepeda

Dialogue Member Fernando Cepeda is a Colombian political scientist, professor, and diplomat....

Oscar Chacon

Dialogue Member Oscar Chacon is the co-founder and executive director of Alianza Americas, an umbrella...

Violeta Chamorro

Violeta Chamorro is a newspaper publisher and politician who served as president of Nicaragua from...

Joyce Chang

Dialogue Member Joyce Chang is Chair of Global Research at J.P. Morgan....

Laura Chinchilla

Dialogue Member Laura Chinchilla was president of Costa Rica from 2010 to 2014....

Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana

Dialogue Member Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana is the chairman of Grupo Cuprum, S.A. de C.V., a...

Joe Clark

Dialogue Member Charles Joseph (Joe) Clark was the 16th Prime Minister of Canada, serving from...

Jonathan Coles

Dialogue Member Jonathan Coles is a partner at Renaissance Growth Advisory. He was president of...

Arturo Condo

Roberto Teixeira da Costa

Dialogue Member Roberto Teixeira da Costa is a Brazilian businessman, economist, and scholar, presently serving...

Mariana Costa

Dialogue Member Mariana Costa is the co-founder and CEO at Laboratoria, a social enterprise that...

Lee Cullum

Dialogue Member Lee Cullum is a prominent television, radio, and print journalist. She currently hosts...

José María Dagnino Pastore

José María Dagnino Pastore is an Argentine economist and former Minister of Economy and Labor...

Denise Damiani

Dialogue Member Denise Damiani, a global technology executive, is founder and CEO of Denise Damiani...

Monica de Bolle

Monica de Bolle is the director of the Latin American Studies Program at Johns Hopkins'...

David de Ferranti

Dialogue Member David de Ferranti is co-founder, senior adviser, and chair of Results for Development....

Isabel de Saint Malo

Dialogue Member Isabel de De Saint Malo is the former vice president and minister of...

Karen DeYoung

Dialogue Member Karen DeYoung is the associate editor and senior national security correspondent for The...

Gary Doer

Dialogue Member Gary Doer was the 23rd Canadian Ambassador to the United States and former...

Sylvia Escovar

Dialogue Member Sylvia Escovar is the president of Organización Terpel. She has also served as...

Sergio Fajardo

Dialogue Member Sergio Fajardo is the former governor of Antioquia and the former mayor of...

Vanda Felbab-Brown

Dialogue member Vanda Felbab-Brown is a senior fellow in the Center for Security, Strategy, and...

Leonel Fernández

Dialogue Member Leonel Fernández was president of the Dominican Republic from 1996 to 2000 and...

Christiana Figueres

Dialogue Member Christiana Figueres Figueres is currently the vice-chair of the Global Covenant of Mayors...

Lourdes Flores Nano

Dialogue Member Lourdes Flores Nano is a Peruvian politician and lawyer, formerly the head of...

Julio Frenk

Dialogue Member Julio José Frenk Mora is a Mexican physician and academic currently serving as...

Francis Fukuyama

Dialogue Member Francis Fukuyama is the Olivier Nomellini senior fellow at Stanford University's Freeman Spogli...

Luiz Fernando Furlan

Dialogue Member Liuz Fernando Furlan is a former Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade...

Eric Garcetti

Eric Garcetti, the second-term mayor of Los Angeles, California, is the youngest person and second...

Enrique García

Dialogue Member Enrique García is the Former Executive President of CAF - Development Bank of...

Lulu Garcia-Navarro

Dialogue member Lulu Garcia-Navarro is the host of Weekend Edition Sunday and one of the...

Diego García-Sayán

Diego García-Sayán is the UN Special Rapporteur on Independence of Judges and Lawyers. He previously...

Helene Gayle

Dialogue Member Helene D. Gayle is president and CEO of The Chicago Community Trust....

Carolina Goic

Dialogue Member Carolina Goic is a Chilean senator, a former president of the Christian Democratic...

Claudio X. González Guajardo

Dialogue Member Claudio X. González Guajardo is the president of Mexico vs Corruption, a non-profit...

Ellen Gracie Northfleet

Dialogue Member Ellen Gracie Northfleet is the former President of the Supreme Court of Brazil...

George Gray Molina

Dialogue Member Dr. George Gray Molina is the former Chief Economist for the United Nations...

Gustavo Grobocopatel

Dialogue Member Gustavo Grobocopatel is an Argentine agricultural engineer and businessman. He is CEO of...

Rebeca Grynspan

Dialogue Member Rebeca Grynspan is a Costa Rican economist, currently serving as secretary-general of the...

Richard Haass

Dialogue Member Richard Haass is the president of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 2013,...

Tara Hariharan

Dialogue Member Tara Hariharan is the director of Global Macro Research at NWI Management LP,...

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Dialogue Member Fernando Henrique Cardoso was president of Brazil from 1995 to 2003. Currently, he...

Carla A. Hills

Dialogue Member Carla A. Hills is chair and CEO of Hills & Company. She served...

María Ángela Holguín

Dialogue Member María Ángela Holguín served as the foreign minister of Colombia from 2010 to...

Donna Hrinak

Dialogue Member Donna Hrinak served as US ambassador to Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, and the Dominican...

Osvaldo Hurtado

Dialogue Member Osvaldo Hurtado served as president of Ecuador from 1981 to 1984....

William Hybl

Dialogue Member William Hybl is the chair, and was previously the CEO, of El Pomar...

Enrique Iglesias

Dialogue Member Enrique Iglesias was the first secretary general of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB)...

Roberta Jacobson

Dialogue Member Roberta Jacobson served as the US ambassador to Mexico from 2016 to 2018....

Marcos Jank

Dialogue Member Marcos Jank is CEO of the Asia-Brazil Agro Alliance. Formerly, he was president...

Earl Jarrett

Jarrett is the deputy chairman and chief executive officer of The Jamaica National Group....

Trinidad Jiménez

Dialogue Member Trinidad Jiménez is the director of public affairs and global strategy at Telefónica,...

Yolanda Kakabadse

Yolanda Kakabadse is the president of the board of the Charles Darwin Foundation, the former...

Natalia Kanem

Dialogue Member Natalia Kanem became the fifth executive director of the United Nations Population Fund...

Ricardo Lagos

Dialogue Member Ricardo Lagos served as president of Chile from 2000 to 2006. During his...

Hernán Larraín

Dialogue Member Hernán Larraín served as minister of justice and human rights from 2018 to...

Claudia López

Dialogue Member Claudia López is the mayor of Bogotá, previously serving as a senator for...

Abraham Lowenthal

Abraham Lowenthal is professor emeritus of international relations at the University of Southern California. He...

Lilia Luciano

Dialogue Member Lilia Luciano is an award-winning national correspondent and anchor at CBS News. She...

Luis Miguel Castilla

Dialogue Member Luis Miguel Castilla is a Peruvian economist and the former minister of economy...

Valeria Luiselli

Dialogue Member Valeria Luiselli is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction whose books are...

Jacky Lumarque

Jacky Lumarque is the rector of the Université Quisqueya since 2007, and previously served as...

Nora Lustig

Dialogue Member and non-resident senior fellow Nora Lustig is Samuel Z. Stone Professor of Latin...

Helio Magalhães

Dialogue Member Helio Lima Magalhães served as COO of Citibank Brazil from 2012 to 2017,...

Susana Malcorra

Dialogue Member Susana Malcorra is the president and cofounder of GWL Voices for Change and...

John McCarter

Dialogue Member John McCarter is a former president and CEO of GE Latin America....

Barbara McDougall

Dialogue Member Barbara McDougall is a Canadian politician and served as Chair of the International...

Thomas McLarty

Dialogue Member Thomas F. “Mack” McLarty, III is chair of McLarty Associates, which he co-founded...

Peter McPherson

Dialogue Member Peter McPherson is the president of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities....

Doris Meissner

Dialogue Member Doris Meissner is a senior fellow at Migration Policy Institute, where she directs...

Carlos D. Mesa

Dialogue Member Carlos D. Mesa is a historian, politician, and journalist and was the President...

Billie Miller

Dame Billie Miller is a Barbadian lawyer, politician, and former Deputy Prime Minister. She is...

Paula Moreno

Dialogue Member Paula Moreno is the founding president of Manos Visibles. From 2007 to 2010,...

Stanley Motta

Dialogue Member Stanley Motta is president of Motta International and chair of Copa Holdings, ASSA...

Mia Amor Mottley

Dialogue Member Mottley is the Prime Minister of Barbados and was an event speaker at...

Moisés Naím

Dialogue Member Moisés Naím is an internationally-syndicated columnist and best-selling author, as well as a...

Amna Nawaz

Dialogue Member Amna Nawaz joined PBS NewsHour in April 2018 and serves as senior national...

Michelle Nunn

Dialogue Member Michelle Nunn is president and CEO of CARE USA, a leading humanitarian organization...

Shannon O’Neil

Shannon O’Neil is vice president of studies and Nelson and David Rockefeller senior fellow for...

José Octavio Bordón

Dialogue Member José Octavio Bordón is the director of the Center for Global Affairs at...

Tania Ortiz Mena

Dialogue Member Tania Ortiz Mena is IEnova’s chief executive officer since September 2018 and member...

Salvador Paiz

Dialogue Member Salvador Paiz is a Guatemalan businessman and President of FunSEPA...

Beatriz Paredes

Beatriz Paredes was president of Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the first woman to...
The Board of Directors at the Inter-American Dialogue oversee policy and program direction, offering crucial financial and administrative oversight. With a primary role in defining the Dialogue’s substantive agenda, shaping our institutional development strategies, and selecting candidates for Dialogue membership, board members help push our mission forward. Comprised of representatives from across Latin American and Caribbean nations, as well as from the United States and Canada, the board reflects a diversity of political and professional perspectives all sharing a commitment to democratic rule, social equity, and economic cooperation across the Americas.

Laura Chinchilla

Dialogue Member Laura Chinchilla was president of Costa Rica from 2010 to 2014....

Gary Doer

Dialogue Member Gary Doer was the 23rd Canadian Ambassador to the United States and former...

Sylvia Escovar

Dialogue Member Sylvia Escovar is the president of Organización Terpel. She has also served as...

Enrique García

Dialogue Member Enrique García is the Former Executive President of CAF - Development Bank of...

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Dialogue Member Fernando Henrique Cardoso was president of Brazil from 1995 to 2003. Currently, he...

Carla A. Hills

Dialogue Member Carla A. Hills is chair and CEO of Hills & Company. She served...

Donna Hrinak

Dialogue Member Donna Hrinak served as US ambassador to Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, and the Dominican...

Enrique Iglesias

Dialogue Member Enrique Iglesias was the first secretary general of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB)...

Earl Jarrett

Jarrett is the deputy chairman and chief executive officer of The Jamaica National Group....

Ricardo Lagos

Dialogue Member Ricardo Lagos served as president of Chile from 2000 to 2006. During his...

Susana Malcorra

Dialogue Member Susana Malcorra is the president and cofounder of GWL Voices for Change and...

Peter McPherson

Dialogue Member Peter McPherson is the president of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities....

Kellie Meiman Hock

Dialogue Board Member Kellie Meiman Hock has managed some of the most challenging issues confronting...

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

Dialogue Co-Chair Tom Shannon spent over 30 years in the foreign service, most recently as...

Maria Fernanda Teixeira

Dialogue Member Maria Fernanda Teixeira is a Brazilian businesswoman with over thirty years of experience...

Priscila Vansetti

Dialogue Member Priscila Vansetti is the Director of Global Strategy & Business Development at Corteva...

Ernesto Zedillo

Dialogue Member Ernesto Zedillo served as president of Mexico from 1994 to 2000. Presently, he...
Established in 2014, the Inter-American Dialogue’s President’s Leadership Council brings together business and community leaders from around the world for in-depth discussions on the pressing challenges facing the Western Hemisphere. Its members share a commitment to the values of democratic governance, social equity, and prosperity. They advise the Dialogue’s president and senior leadership on programmatic matters, providing input on the Dialogue’s agenda and helping to expand the reach of our work. Membership is by-invitation only. For more information, contact

Felipe A. Bosch Gutierrez

Iván Chávez

Cecilia De La Macorra

Cecilia De La Macorra serves as senior director for the Americas for international government relations...

Jasper Jung

Jasper Jung is executive director, global strategic initiatives, for global public policy at General Motors...

Pedro Less

Pedro Less is vice president of public policy for Latin America at Meta (Facebook)....

Stanley Motta

Dialogue Member Stanley Motta is president of Motta International and chair of Copa Holdings, ASSA...

Eleonora Rabinovich

Eleonora Rabinovich is the head of government affairs and public policy for spanish speaking Latam...

Reuben Smith-Vaughan

Reuben Smith-Vaughan serves as the director of public policy for Latin America in Amazon’s Washington,...

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