
Inés Vesga on Colombia’s Energy Policy Under Gustavo Petro

Gene Kuleta, Inés Vesga ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor

Photo of oil rig Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales
The Latin America Advisor’s latest video features Inés Vesga, partner at Holland & Knight. Vesga spoke with Advisor editor Gene Kuleta in July about the energy sector proposals of Colombia’s incoming president, Gustavo Petro. View the latest Advisor video here: To watch other Advisor videos on technology’s role in Latin…Read more +

Fighting for Reproductive Justice in El Salvador

Laura Shaw ˙ ˙ Voces

Photo of People holding a banner and signs Colectiva Feminista
In 1967 the United Nations and its member states officially recognized women’s rights as international human rights. Despite this historic declaration many of those rights, specifically reproductive rights, are threatened today. As a region, Latin America has some of the world’s most restrictive anti-abortion laws. El Salvador, in particular, has…Read more +

Five inconvenient truths on Latin America’s digital transformation: from words to action

Karim Lesina, Ángel Melguizo ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor

photo of telecommunications
Covid-19 has accelerated digitalization all over the world. Things that chief technology officers had planned to be implemented in years had to be put in place in weeks, or even days. E-commerce, e-payments, remote work, video calls and streaming are now essential parts of our social and productive lives. Indeed, some in-person activities are gradually coming back, but a significant part of our day-to-day activities will likely become digital forever.Read more +

Few Changes After Argentina’s Legislative Elections

Bruno Binetti, Gastón Ocampo ˙ ˙ Voces

Fernández habla en movilización del Frente de Todos Twitter / Alberto Fernandez
On the night of November 14, Argentine President Alberto Fernández euphorically celebrated an electoral defeat. Earlier that day, in the legislative elections, the ruling Peronist coalition –Frente de Todos– obtained only 33.5 percent of the national vote against 42 percent of the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio. Why was the president celebrating, then, apart from lifting the spirits of Peronist supporters?Read more +

¿Qué implica la visita del cardenal Sean Patrick O’Malley a Cuba?

Lenier González ˙ ˙ Voces

Iglesia Parroquial Mayor Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción en Sagua Lezumbalaberenjena / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Ha desatado polémica la reciente visita a Cuba del cardenal Sean Patrick O'Malley, arzobispo de Boston. La llegada del Cardenal a la Isla ocurre justamente a dos meses de las multitudinarias protestas ocurridas en Cuba los pasados días 11 y 12 de julio. Desde sectores del laicado católico, la oposición política, la sociedad civil, y el exilio de Miami, se afirma que se trata de una “operación” de “lavado rostro” al gobierno cubano -con la ayuda de la jerarquía católica local- luego de los acontecimientos de julio pasado, que arrojaron cientos de encarcelados, sobre todo jóvenes.Read more +

Youth Thrive Through Extracurricular Education

Emma Leonardo Solorzano ˙ ˙ Migration, Remittances & Development

Cities Alliance and UNOPS logo
This blog refers to the “Thriving in San Marcos” initiative carried out in partnership with Cities Alliance. and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. “Thriving in San Marcos” promotes a skilled, professional workforce among future generations in the MANCUERNA region of Guatemala through our B’etil Diploma, an extracurricular education program with a pre-professional focus in collaboration…Read more +

Entrepreneurs Thrive through Business Coaching

Emma Leonardo Solorzano ˙ ˙ Migration, Remittances & Development

Cities Alliance and UNOPS logo
This blog refers to the “Thriving in San Marcos” initiative carried out in partnership with Cities Alliance and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. “Thriving in San Marcos” promotes strong local economies in the MANCUERNA region of Guatemala through access to credit and business coaching for entrepreneurs in collaboration with financial institutions and civil society organizations.…Read more +

Thriving Through Financial Inclusion

Emma Leonardo Solorzano ˙ ˙ Migration, Remittances & Development

Cities Alliance and UNOPS logo
This blog refers to the “Thriving in San Marcos” initiative carried out in partnership with Cities Alliance and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. “Thriving in San Marcos” promotes financial access and inclusion in the MANCUERNA region of Guatemala through financial education in close collaboration with financial institutions. MANCUERNA encompasses municipalities across San Marcos and Quetzaltenango,…Read more +

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