Would Joe Biden Change U.S. Policy Toward Venezuela?
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring expert viewpoints on what the U.S. policy toward Venezuela would be like under a potential Biden administration.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring expert viewpoints on what the U.S. policy toward Venezuela would be like under a potential Biden administration.
Michael Camilleri, director del programa Estado de Derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, habló con Raphael Morán de RFI acerca del candidatura de Mauricio Claver-Carone para presidente del BID, su perfil político conservador y lo que significa para la región.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring viewpoints on the progress and challenges of digital government in Latin America and the Caribbean.
On August 13, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Education Program, the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), UNICEF and United Way convened a virtual seminar on the role of the private sector in early childhood development in Latin America.
Los demócratas intensificaron sus ataques contra el presidente Donald Trump este martes, en el segundo día de la convención virtual en la que nominaron oficialmente a Joe Biden como candidato a la Casa Blanca. Michael Shifter conversó con NTN24 sobre la convención demócrata y la nominación de Kamala Harris a la vicepresidencia.
Robert Zoellick, former deputy of secretary of state and former president of the World Bank, has published a new book titled America in the World: A History of US Diplomacy and Foreign Policy.
For the Trump administration, there seem to be only two options in dealing with multilateral institutions: withdraw (as in the case of the World Health Organization) or take them over. In the tussle over the Inter-American Development Bank, the region is prepared to wait him out. The ball is now in Latin America’s court.
Comentarios publicados en el Latin America Advisor sobre la recesión que enfrenta la economía de Paraguay como resultado de la pandemia.
Michael Shifter was a featured guest on the podcast Background Briefing with Ian Masters where he spoke about current events affecting Venezuela. The conversation focused on Elliot Abrams’ recent appointment to special envoy for both Venezuela and Iran as well as the United States’ seizure of Iranian tankers headed to Venezuela.
An Energy Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on the progress of Chile’s transition toward renewable energy.
On June 28, the Regional Network for Measuring Child Development (REMDI) convened a virtual seminar to reflect on surveys that are used to measure early childhood development in the region.
El 10 de agosto, la Cámara de Comercio Colombo-Americana llevó a cabo el evento virtual “Perspectiva de las elecciones y su impacto en la política internacional de EE.UU.” Este diálogo formó el inicio de una serie de discusiones sobre la relación bilateral entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos. Alejandro Santos, el director de la revista colombiana SEMANA, moderó la conversación. Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Inter-Americano, fue uno de los panelistas junto a Dan Restrepo.
On August 4, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Haiti and Covid-19 – Analysis and Solutions,” a webinar in partnership with Université Quisqueya to discuss their newly launched book, “Haiti et le Covid 19. Des outils pour comprendre et agir.” The panel featured Fritz Jean, Georges Sassine, Mirlande Manigat, and Georges Fauriol. Dan Erikson moderated the event.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on Argentina’s recent restructuring debt deal with foreign bondholders.
On June 24, 2020, the Working Group on Technology and Innovation in Education met to discuss the challenges presented by closing schools and the opportunities that educational technology can provide.