While 2021 has been a year of transition for the energy sector in Latin America, it has also been a year of instability in the region’s political conditions and social environment. Under this context, industry experts, government officials and corporate representatives convened virtually to discuss the challenges, opportunities and changes in Latin America’s energy markets at the Fifth Annual Latin America Energy Conference.
Event Summaries ˙
˙ Fifth Annual Latin America Energy Conference
On September 21st, 2021, The Inter-American Dialogue hosted a panel titled “The Changing Face of Migration in the Americas” to discuss the growing scale of migration in Latin America and the Caribbean and the changing composition of these flows over the past two years.
El 13 de agosto, el Diálogo Interamericano, con el apoyo de la Fundación Tinker, convocó el cuarto evento de la serie de Jornadas de Evaluación y Sociedad Civil sobre el uso efectivos de datos educativos para tomar decisiones informadas y impulsar cambio en las políticas públicas actuales.
Gladys Gerbaud Navarro, Daniela Saez, Anna Herrero Tejada
Manuel Orozco, non-resident Senior Fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, joined CNN for an interview to discuss the ongoing migration phenomenon occurring in Mexico’s southern border. The interview touched upon some of the causes of migration, the countries where large numbers of migrants are coming from, and why this issue needs to be urgently dealt with.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on water stress in Latin America and what regional governments and the private sector are doing to mitigate the effects of droughts.
Devry Boughner Vorwerk, Rebecca Keller, Thomas Rideg, Patricia Urteaga Crovetto
En una entrevista con El Tiempo, Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, habló sobre el futuro de Joe Biden tras la crisis en Afganistán. Asimismo, también se forjó un paralelismo entre el rol que el gobierno tuvo en Afganistán en comparación con su papel en Plan Colombia y los impactos que la actual debacle presentará en la política interna de Estados Unidos.
Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, was interviewed by The Washington Diplomat on the current state of Latin American. The conversation examined the continuing migration on the US border with Mexico, the widespread regional discontent during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the lack of integration among Latin American countries as they continue fighting the effects of the pandemic.
En una entrevista con NTN24, Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, comentó sobre cómo ha cambiado la relación entre Estados Unidos y América Latina con la administración Biden. Durante la conversación se hizo especial énfasis en las relaciones bilaterales con México y la situación en Venezuela.
In this report, the members of the Education Technology and Innovation Working Group call to continue investing in the innovative efforts that have been observed during this difficult period and to turn them into transformative, long-term strategies.
Working Group on Technology and Innovation in Education
This report from the Migration, Remittances & Development Program presents the findings of a survey carried out with more than 1,000 US immigrants from eight Latin American and Caribbean nationalities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study identifies critical aspects that shaped migrants’ experiences in 2020 and early 2021, and, more importantly, the determinants of continuing to send money back home in times of crisis.
Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with Michael Holmes from CNN about the state of democracy in Latin America. The conversation covered how things are evolving in Nicaragua, after opposition leaders were imprisoned by the Ortega Murillo regime, as well as the potential repercussions of the recent elections in Peru and Mexico.