
Pictures of event panelists Video

Enablers of Low-Carbon Hydrogen in LAC

On June 28, 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a webinar entitled “Low-Carbon Hydrogen in LAC – Prospects and Pathways”. This online event sought to explore public and private sector plans to develop the hydrogen industry in the region, specifically focusing on barriers to the production, use, and commercialization of low-carbon hydrogen as well as international and cross-sectoral cooperation strategies to accelerate the implementation of this technology.

Simón Ladino Cano, MK Vereen

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Panelists Ruiz Sandoval, Salgado, Fiszbein Video

SERIES OF EVENTS: Childhood Play in Colombia

On November 10, 2021 and February 17, 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue, together with the Presidential Council for Children and Adolescents and with the support of the LEGO Foundation, organized two events to explore and reflect on the role of play in Colombia’s early childhood agenda.

Micaela Finoli

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photo of money Video

China-Latin America Economic Update

On April 12, the Inter-American Dialogue and Boston University Global Development Policy Center co-hosted a public event to consider key trends in China-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) economic relations.

Dante Schulz

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collage of panelists with map of the Americas Video

Renewed Cooperation in a Troubled Hemisphere – Towards the Summit of the Americas

On March 31, 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a public event to present its biennial Sol M. Linowitz policy report titled: “The Case for Renewed Cooperation in a Troubled Hemisphere: Towards the Ninth Summit of the Americas”. During the event, panelists discussed the main findings and recommendations of the report and analyzed the current state of regional and hemispheric cooperation.

Andrea Colombo

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Assistant Secretary Brian A. Nichols, Manuel Orozco, Michael Shifter Video

A Conversation with Assistant Secretary Brian A. Nichols on Central America

On March 16, 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a conversation with Assistant Secretary Brian A. Nichols to discuss the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to tackle the root causes of migration from Central America to the United States. Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, introduced the conversation, which was moderated by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Dialogue.

Shaily Acharya

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Laying Cable

Toward Pandemic Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean—Exploring New Dimensions of Japan-US-LAC Interregional Cooperation

On December 16, the Inter-American Dialogue, in partnership with the Japan Association of Latin America and the Caribbean, held a public meeting titled “Toward Pandemic Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean—Exploring New Dimensions of Japan-US-LAC Interregional Cooperation,” to consider prospects for enhanced Latin American, Caribbean, Japanese, and US collaboration in support of regional recovery and sustainable development.

Margaret Myers

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The Venezuelan Judiciary and Crimes Against Humanity: Justice or Impunity?

On March 1st, 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue co-hosted a panel with the Washington Office on Latin America titled “The Venezuelan Judiciary and Crimes Against Humanity- Justice or Impunity?” to discuss the reports from a UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela.

Danielle Carr

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