
Photo of Playa Poneloya Seawall & Malecón, Nicaragua

Las sanciones internacionales en una Nicaragua doblegada por el miedo y la violencia

Las sanciones internacionales contra los actores cómplices de las atrocidades cometidas en Nicaragua han surtido el efecto de disminuir su influencia, y siguen arrinconando a los perpetradores. Contrario a las mentiras de Rosario Murillo, las sanciones no afectan al pueblo porque éstas poseen precisión en el impacto. La sanción es un es un juicio justo frente a la privación física, económica y política que ha causado la dictadura.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Photo of Rebecca Bill Chavez

Chavez: “Biden e Lula precisam achar áreas de interesse em comum”

Rebecca Bill Chavez, presidenta e CEO do Diálogo Interamericano, conversou com o Valor Econômico sobre as relações entre os EUA e o Brasil e o engajamento dos EUA em relação ao retrocesso democrático na região.

Interviews ˙ ˙ ‘Biden e Lula precisam achar áreas de interesse em comum’

Photo of Carlos Fernando Chamorro and Manuel Orozco on Esta Semana

Orozco: “In the case of Nicaragua, in particular, the main determinant that drives people out is political”

In an interview with Esta Semana and Confidencial, Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with Carlos F. Chamorro about the future of the remittance trends, migration from Nicaragua, the Nicaraguan economy, and the future of the Ortega regime.

Carlos Fernando Chamorro, Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ Confidencial

photo of CAF Conference - Keynote

The Future of the Inter-American System – Old and New Challenges

President Laura Chinchilla, co-chair of the Inter-American Dialogue and former president of Costa Rica and Frank Mora, US ambassador to the Organization of American States, came together for a conversation on the future of the inter-American system, especially important in the face of the multiple challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean, including migration, insecurity, and democratic decline.

Anastasia Chacón González

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of man holding Nicaraguan flag during 2018 protests

The Political Situation in Nicaragua

Despite receiving a minority of political support, the balance of power is in favor of the regime who dominates the repressive apparatus and possesses economic resources to maintain control and seek a dynastic succession. The magnitude of repression, as well as the noise of various international conflicts, render international mobilization difficult. However, the international community must confer greater importance to the Nicaraguan crisis in the global agenda.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica

Screenshot of interview of Luciana Vazquez with Tamara Taraciuk Broner Video

Doble vara y DD.HH. De Argentina a Bukele, Maduro, Cuba. ¿Cuándo es legítima la violencia de Estado?

En entrevista para el programa La Repregunta en La Nación, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, directora del Programa Peter D. Bell sobre Estado de Derecho, conversó, entre otros asuntos, sobre la doble vara que algunos gobiernos aplican en política exterior en materia de derechos humanos, las elecciones en Guatemala, el rol de Papa Francisco ante dictaduras, las sanciones económicas de EEUU a Venezuela, el desafío de brindar seguridad democráticamente, cómo responder ante protestas violentas, y el rol del movimiento de derechos humanos.

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Interviews ˙ ˙ La Nación

Photo of report cover that shows cargo ship at port

Nicaragua and CAFTA: Noncompliance with the Agreement

The purpose of this memo is to note the existence of partial violations to the Central America and Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement with the United States known as CAFTA-DR.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙

Photo of Sports Inclusion Panel in the Cities Summit of the Americas

Urban Transformation and Inclusion Through the Power of Sports

At the inaugural Cities Summit of the Americas in Denver, Colorado, on April 26, 2023, the Inter-American Dialogue and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) convened experts to discuss the legacy of mega-sporting events for creating more inclusive cities, with a special focus on the positive impact for individuals with disabilities. 

Devon Severson

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of maquila worker in Nicaragua

Las violaciones del régimen al CAFTA-DR

Como parte de su política represiva, Daniel Ortega también ha violado derechos laborales, ambientales y empresariales, que están tutelados por el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, y como resultado ha expuesto al régimen a la demanda de cómo ejercer una presión internacional más efectiva.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial