
U.S. President Donald Trump announced the bilateral U.S.-Mexico trade deal on Aug. 27. // Photo: White House.

Does Mexico’s Deal With the U.S. Bode Well for NAFTA?

The United States and Mexico announced a bilateral deal to revise NAFTA, leaving the door open for Canada to join. What’s next?

Peter Hakim, Andrés Rozental, Carlo Dade, Julissa Reynoso, Rodolfo Herrera-Moro, Gary Hufbauer

Latin America Advisor ˙

Member in the News: Carla A. Hills

Carla Hills, the lead US architect of the original NAFTA trade agreement, gave an interview with NPR regarding the new negotiations.

Carla A. Hills, David Greene

Interviews ˙ ˙ NPR


Freedom of Expression in the Americas: Persistent Threats and Emerging Challenges

On April 24, the Inter-American Dialogue in partnership with Reports Without Borders (RSF) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RFOE) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) hosted an event titled “Freedom of Expression in the Americas: Persistent Threats and Emerging Challenges.” This discussion, which was moderated by Michael Camilleri, featured panelists Edison Lanza from IACHR, Margaux Ewen from RSF, Viviana Krsticevic from the Center for Justice and International Law, and Tracy Wilkinson from the Los Angeles Times. This conversation aimed to analyze persistent threats, emerging challenges, and potential solutions for protecting freedom of expression in the Americas.

Martín Rodriguez Nuñez

Event Summaries ˙

Investment in Latin American Oil and Renewables Likely to Grow

IFLR speaks with Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries program at the Inter-American Dialogue. Viscidi analyses recent developments in Latin America’s energy markets, particularly in relation to broadsweep energy market reforms in Brazil and Mexico.

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ International Financial Law Review

Prospects for expanding US natural gas exports to Latin America

Energy continues to be a bright spot in the US-Latin America relationship and new developments, like an uptick in US LNG exports, offer opportunities to increase energy security and cooperation across the Western Hemisphere.

Rebecca O’Connor

Event Summaries ˙


Las Americas a examen: Shifter sobre China en Latam, TPP, TCLAN, Cuba, Colombia

En esta conversación con la Fundación Global para la Democracia, Michael Shifter discutió temas de actualidad e importancia para Latinoamérica: el papel de China en la región, la posición de Estados Unidos en el mundo después de su retiro del TPP, las renegociaciones del TLCAN, relaciones bilaterales entre Estados Unidos y Cuba, desigualdad y violencia, y la relación entre EEUU y Colombia.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Fundación Global para la Democracia

NAFTA Renegotiation may be an Opportunity for Korea-LAC Cooperation

During an exclusive interview with South Korean newspaper Maeil Business, Michael Shifter, President of the Inter-American Dialogue, noted that certain Trump administration’s policies – such as pushing for the renegotiation of NAFTA – could have positive effects for South Korea. “Donald Trump’s new trade policy can be an opportunity for Korea to expand its reach to the Latin American market.”

Michael Shifter, 박종훈 기자

Interviews ˙ ˙ Maeil Business

Untangling the Future of NAFTA

On March 6th, The Dialogue hosted an open discussion on the future of NAFTA and the global impacts of its potential reform or repeal. Along with substantial political uncertainty about the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), there is also widespread confusion about the various options and scenarios for reform within the complicated architecture of the multilateral trading system. Many of the possible outcomes would have grave implications—not only for the economies of Mexico, the US, and Canada, but also for other major trading partners.

Danielle Edmonds

Event Summaries ˙

Trump and Latin American Energy: The Costs of Cutting Ties

Cuts to Washington’s energy engagement could undermine the connections that help support U.S.–Latin American cooperation on issues from security to immigration. When it comes to weakening energy integration in the Americas, there are few winners.

Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs

Latin America’s Political Pendulum

The pendulum of Latin American politics is swinging rightward once again. Yet as the “pink tide” recedes, the forces of change have more to do with socioeconomics than ideology. Dramatic economic and political crises have coincided in countries like Brazil and Venezuela. Still, the final result for Latin America may be the emergence of centrist, pragmatic modes of governance, and with them, opportunities for the U.S. to improve relations. The new administration must look beyond the neoliberal model of the 1990s, and develop an approach to relations fit for the 21st century.

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Great Decisions

Trump vs. Clinton: Moment of Truth

Without question, what is at stake in this election are two entirely different ways of understanding the United States and its role in the world. On Tuesday the voters will have their final say –and the time to govern will begin. Whoever wins, the polarization, rancor and malaise that this election brought to the fore will permeate US politics for years to come.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Deber



Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ China Policy Review