
Michael Shifter, Miguel Pizarro, Laura Chinchilla, and Michael Camilleri on the panel Video

Next Stop Caracas: Venezuela’s Uncertain Path Forward

On February 18, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Next Stop Caracas: Venezuela’s Uncertain Path Forward,”to discuss the future of Venezuela, and steps that should be taken by the international community to support a democratic transition.

Catharine Christie

Event Summaries ˙

The Long Road Report Cover

The Long Road: Supporting Venezuelans through an Uncertain Future

A new report by the Venezuela Working Group, an initiative of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, proposes a framework for future action based on a realistic assessment of Venezuela’s current trajectory.

Michael Camilleri

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Venezuelan flag Video

Can Western companies save Venezuela’s oil sector? Do they want to?

Lisa Viscidi and Nate Graham spoke with S&P Global Platts about the findings of a new report which argues that Western oil companies will be needed to revive Venezuela’s oil sector. They discuss the obstacles that could affect whether these firms increase production in the country under a new government, including US sanctions uncertainty, high taxes, and a shortage of workers and working infrastructure.

Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham, Brian Scheid, Meghan Gordon

Interviews ˙ ˙ S&P Global Platts

Reviving Venezuela’s Oil Sector: The Role of Western Oil Majors

With Venezuela’s state oil company in disarray, international oil companies will be the key to tapping the country’s oil resources. The Inter-American Dialogue interviewed eight large Western oil companies about the conditions that will determine how rapidly, and to what degree, they start or ramp up operations in Venezuela following a political transition.

Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Escenario de Bolivia no es repetible en Venezuela, según analistas

La convocatoria a una jornada de protestas permanentes hecha por el presidente designado de Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, difícilmente podría resultar en un escenario similar al de Bolivia, ya que existen diferencias importantes entre ambos países, según analistas que observan con detenimiento la región. Michael Camilleri, Director del Programa de Estado…

Michael Camilleri, Joel Gutiérrez

Interviews ˙ ˙ VOA

Plan B in Venezuela

The United States must now reassess its approach. Washington shouldn’t give up its sustained focus on the crisis or its stated objective of restoring democracy and constitutional order, but it does have to accept the facts on the ground and recognize that maximalist demands are unhelpful.

Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs

Geopolítica de la crisis venezolana

Ante el bloqueo doméstico y externo de la crisis en Venezuela, Europa podría desempeñar un papel crucial gracias a su relativa distancia del conflicto y buena imagen en la región.

Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Política Exterior

A Conversation with Luis Vicente León

On July 24, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an extended discussion in partnership with Freedom House with Luis Vicente León, the president of Datanálisis, on the crisis in Venezuela.

Ethan Knecht

Event Summaries ˙

File Photo: @jguaido via Twitter.

Who Has the Upper Hand in Venezuela Now?

What happened on April 30 in Venezuela, and did Maduro or Guaidó come out stronger?

Steve Ellner, Raúl Stolk, Kevin Ivers, Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian, Jennifer McCoy

Latin America Advisor ˙

Transition Interrupted?

A report analyzing the potential scenarios facing Venezuela at a critical juncture in its democratic development.

Michael Camilleri

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Hakim: “El miedo, elemento crítico para que Maduro siga en el poder”

Han pasado casi tres meses desde que el líder opositor venezolano Juan Guaidó lanzó su desafío al régimen de Nicolás Maduro, pero ni la creciente presión internacional ni las sanciones económicas han conseguido desatornillar a la cúpula chavista del poder. Peter Hakim destaca que el régimen de Maduro conoce esos límites y los pone a prueba, a la vez que aprovecha el “miedo” de la población.

Peter Hakim

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Mercurio (via GDA)


Reunión del consejo de seguridad de la ONU sobre Venezuela

Michael Camilleri, director del programa de estado de derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, analizó las implicaciones de la reunión del consejo de seguridad del ONU sobre la situación en Venezuela, y otros temas relacionados a la situación Venezolana.

Michael Camilleri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


Venezuela: marchas en medio del apagón

Bruno Binetti, non-resident fellow del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con TN Internacional sobre los sucesos más recientes de la crisis venezolana y los grupos que disputan el poder en el país latinoamericano.

Bruno Binetti

Interviews ˙ ˙ TN International