Is Dissent Derailing Milei’s Reform Goals in Argentina?
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on protests against education-related budget cuts in Argentina.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on protests against education-related budget cuts in Argentina.
On April 11, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC) to hold the joint event “New Infrastructure—Emerging Trends in Chinese Investment in Latin America,” which centered around the prospect and impact of China investment in LAC and specifically in Brazil, as well as the LAC region’s approach to fielding opportunities and risks associated with Chinese engagement.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on protests by Indigenous groups against mining projects in Ecuador.
Para conocer los retos y oportunidades actuales de Argentina al igual que las prioridades de la nueva administración, el 4 de abril el Diálogo Interamericano y el Instituto Republicano Internacional (IRI) organizó una conversación con Ramiro Marra, miembro fundador de la coalición La Libertad Avanza y legislador de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
El consenso global, dentro y fuera del país, es que el principal objetivo de Nicaragua como nación es derrotar el proyecto de sucesión dinástica del régimen actual, para abrir el camino hacia una transición democrática. La realidad obliga a diferenciar entre la lucha por alcanzar el cambio político, y cómo gobernar democráticamente. El denominador común, sin embargo, sigue siendo el mismo, crear una coalición con capacidad de lograr el cambio, y con capacidad de gobernar democráticamente.
En una entrevista con Televicentro (TVC) el 11 de abril de 2024, Manuel Orozco, director del programa Migración, Remesas y Desarrollo del Diálogo Interamericano, subrayó las acciones antidemocráticas del gobierno de Nicaragua, la captura del Estado que se desarrolla en el país y ofreció algunos estadísticas para ilustrarla.
On April 9, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “State Collapse and the Protection of Remittance Payments.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, and Patrick Springer, program associate, examines the extent to which the current crisis in Haiti can be characterized as state failure. The report examines state failure in Haiti, its effects on the daily lives of Haitians, the Haitian economy, and how it is impacting remittance systems in the country and concludes with a strategy for ensuring successful and safe remittance transfers to the Caribbean nation.
On February 16, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development program invited representatives from across the remittance industry to discuss the potential for developments in the industry and to discuss their outlook for 2024.
On April 3, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the memo “Risk Mitigation Efforts for Radicalization and Dynastic Succession in Nicaragua.”
On April 3, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the memo “State Capture in Nicaragua – The Case for International Pressure.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, highlights how members of the Nicaraguan government have engaged in state capture, the role of international financial institutions in preventing state captures, and provides a look into external financing, its consequences, and the Nicaraguan economy at-large.
On March 22, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “Remittances to Cuba and the Marketplace in 2024.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, analyzes money transfers to Cuba, their changing composition, the evolution of origination regulation, and this evolution’s impact on the Cuban economy.
En Nicaragua el estado de la economía está totalmente capturado por un régimen que se enriquece a costa del pueblo y el endeudamiento externo. En 2024, la economía crecerá igual que en 2023 gracias a las remesas y los préstamos, pero en vez de distribución equitativa de la riqueza, lo que hay es concentración del dinero para los nuevos ricos del régimen.
On February 27, 2024, Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Inter-American Dialogue, presented, “Migración, Remesas y Desarrollo en Guatemala Tendencias y Recomendaciones” (or “Migration, Remittances, and Development in Guatemala – Trends and Recommendations”) to students at the Centro Universitario de San Marcos (CUSAM).
On March 4, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “Transaction Costs and Money Transfer Operators – A Review of Costs by MTO Receiving Countries.”
La propaganda Ortega-Murillista del “buen gobierno” contrasta con la realidad que agobia a los nicaragüenses. El régimen prioriza el gasto e inversión en carreteras a costa de la inversión social, en momentos en que el país se encuentra en una situación desesperante por la precariedad de su capital humano.