What Would Make the Summit of the Americas a Success?
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on what can be expected from the June 2022 Summit of the Americas.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on what can be expected from the June 2022 Summit of the Americas.
With elections coming up in 2022 in Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica, which countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will be the political hot spots to watch next year? What political trends will be the strongest in the coming year, and what traits will countries’ political trajectories have in common? Is authoritarianism and polarization likely to worsen in the region in 2022, and what factors would influence that?
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s moves ahead of the 2022 presidential vote.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on the role of U.S. legislators in drafting U.S. policy toward Latin America.
Peter Hakim, presidente emérito do Diálogo Interamericano, conversou com a Revista Veja sobre a indicação do advogado-geral da União André Mendonça para o Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil. Na entrevista falou-se também sobre a relação entre o Poder Executivo e o Supremo Tribunal Federal e fizeram-se comparações entre este corpo no Brasil e a Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos.
Peter Hakim, presidente emérito del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con Sergio Muñoz Bata sobre la renuncia de Raúl Castro a su puesto como primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Durante la entrevista se habló sobre el futuro del socialismo en Cuba, las reformas económicas y los prospectos democráticos de la isla.
Peter Hakim, presidente emérito do Diálogo Interamericano, conversou com a BBC News Brasil sobre a condução do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, a sua relação com as Forças Armadas e a atenção dos Estados Unidos da América em relação à América Latina.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the Supreme Court decision regarding former Brazilian President Lula.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring expert’s viewpoints on the future of trade ties between the United States and Brazil.
In an interview with The Brazilian Report, Peter Hakim, Dialogue president emeritus, discussed what Biden’s diplomatic approach would look like in Latin America. In particular, Hakim addressed immigration, the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and the United States’ relationship with Brazil.
El 13 de julio, la Fundación Chilena del Pacífico organizó un webinar para analizar la carrera por la Casa Blanca y los potenciales impactos en Chile y América Latina de los resultados de las elecciones del próximo 3 de noviembre. Peter Hakim, presidente emérito del Diálogo Interamericano, y el senador José Miguel Insulza, ex secretario general de la OEA y ex canciller, ofrecieron sus comentarios. Hakim discutió las posiciones actuales de Trump y Biden en la carrera presidencial y sus políticas contrastantes hacia América Latina.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on the clash of democratic institutions in Brazil under President Jair Bolsonaro.
How has the role of the military changed in Latin American countries over the past year, and is it a cause for concern?
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday completed his first year in office, one marked by international controversy over the Amazon, a slight economic recovery, political spats within his own party, as well as some significant legislative wins, including comprehensive pension reform. How well has Bolsonaro fared in his first year as Brazil’s president, and has he met voters’ expectations of change? How well is his government handling economic matters, and what should it focus on in the year ahead? To what extent has Bolsonaro’s confrontational political style helped or hindered his effectiveness in working with Brazil’s Congress?
Peter Hakim, president emeritus and senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, talked with TRT World about the ongoing protests in Chile and what the unrest demonstrates about underlying trends in Chile and in the region.