How Has Youth Unemployment Affected Latin America?
Is there a direct correlation between youth unemployment and the social unrest? What accounts for such high levels of youth unemployment and what effect has it had on the region?
Aun cuando en todo el mundo se reconoce hoy el papel clave que le corresponde a la educación y que es necesario mejorarla, con frecuencia no se aprueban ni implementan reformas educativas significativas, debido, fundamentalmente, a ciertos impedimentos políticos.
No obstante, a partir de los años ’80, numerosos países de diferentes regiones y con distintos niveles de desarrollo han sido capaces de aplicar reformas educativas orientadas a la calidad, lo que indica que dichos impedimentos no son insuperables. ¿Cuáles son los principales obstáculos y qué estrategias pueden ayudar a superarlos?
Is there a direct correlation between youth unemployment and the social unrest? What accounts for such high levels of youth unemployment and what effect has it had on the region?
The globalization of markets is creating increasing pressure for educational reform in Latin America.
For a long time, poor coverage and low quality education in Latin America have been seen as some of the main causes for the slow economic growth and the unequal income distribution. Since World War II, many governments decided to hire more teachers and to build more schools; consequently, in…