Education Programs That Work
What education programs have succeeded, or failed, in developing countries and what can Latin American policymakers learn from them?
En noviembre se dieron a conocer los resultados de un estudio regional sobre las reformas educacionales en Centroamrica, realizado entre 1997 y 1998 por investigadores de cinco pases, bajo la direccin de la Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) de Managua, a travs de su Programa de Promocion de la Reforma Educativa en Amrica Latina (PREAL). Una parte de su anlisis y resultados se sintetizan a continuacin.
What education programs have succeeded, or failed, in developing countries and what can Latin American policymakers learn from them?
Given their close proximity to the United States, LAC countries are well-positioned to capitalize on the surplus of US gas exports and current buyer’s market.
There is consensus in the region about the importance of education for the progress of people and nations. However, what is currently being done to improve it, is not sufficient. Education development in Central America, Panama and Dominican Republic is lagged behind Latin America, which it self is below the…