
Photo of Gloria de la Fuente, Dr. Rebecca Bill Chavez, and Carl Meacham

Las prioridades de la política exterior de Chile

Chile enfrenta desafíos significativos como la disminución de la confianza ciudadana en la democracia, la crisis climática y migratoria, y el aumento del crimen organizado. Para abordar estos temas, el 21 de mayo, el Diálogo Interamericano y Global Americans organizaron una conversación con Gloria de la Fuente, subsecretaria de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile. 

Bernarda Jarrín, Michelle Alas

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Photo of the cover Photo of Guatemala's Policy Brief

Guatemala: Violence and Insecurity

On July 12, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program and Cristosal published a policy brief asserting that President Bernardo Arévalo’s government can demonstrate the feasibility of implementing effective and democratic measures to address insecurity in Guatemala.

Edgardo Amaya Cóbar

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Policy Brief

Photo of Panelists at Security Event in Uruguay Video

The Security Challenge for Democracies in Latin America

Citizen insecurity and illicit economies are serious issues in Latin America and the Caribbean, prompting urgent demands from the public for solutions. In response, mano dura policies have been implemented, which have reduced violence but at a significant cost to the rule of law and human rights. It is necessary to develop and promote alternatives that are both effective and democratic.

Daniel Caballero, Sofía Lopes

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Cover Photo Uruguay Policy Brief

Uruguay: Insecurity and Organized Crime

On June 4, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program and Ágora published a policy brief, “Uruguay: Insecurity and Organized Crime.” This is the first policy brief in a series on security policies and the rule of law in the region launched by the Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program.

Ines Fynn, Juan Pablo Luna

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Policy Brief (in Spanish)

Image of TV screen during interview with Tamara Taraciuk Broner Video

Taraciuk Broner: ¿El miedo influye en la democracia?

Tamara Taraciuk Broner, directora del Programa Peter D. Bell sobre Estado de Derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con la Radio Pichincha en Ecuador sobre el contexto en el cual se dieron las elecciones el 20 de agosto, incluyendo los incidentes de violencia política y el agravamiento de la situación de inseguridad en el país. 

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Interviews ˙ ˙ Radio Pichincha

Photo of Guillermo Lasso and Rebecca Bill Chavez Video

A Conversation with Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso

On the heels of President Guillermo Lasso’s White House meeting with President Joe Biden on December 19, 2022, President Lasso joined Inter-American Dialogue President & CEO Rebecca Bill Chavez for a conversation about the US-Ecuador bilateral relationship.

Devon Severson

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event card Crisis in Haiti – Finding a Response to Violence and Political Turmoil Video

Crisis in Haiti – Finding a Response to Violence and Political Turmoil

As the political crisis in Haiti ensues with mounting social discontent and economic instability, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a conversation on the current conditions in Haiti as well as approaches to securing peace and democratic governance in a country beset by turmoil. 

Noelle Whitman

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The Cost of Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Dialogue, together with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), hosted an event on March 2nd to launch the study “The Cost of Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean” with Nathalie Alvarado, Principal Specialist in Citizen Security at the IDB; Laura Jaitman, Citizen Security Specialist at the IDB; Angela Me, Chief of the Research and Trend Analysis Brand at the UNODC; Desmond Arias, Associate Professor at Georgetown University; and Michael Shifter, President of the Dialogue.

Laura Campiglia de Méndez

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Corruption, Transparency and Citizenship in Latin America

On November 3rd, the Dialogue co-hosted an event with the George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs Latin American & Hemispheric Studies Program for a discussion on corruption, transparency and citizen security in Latin America.

Tim Mahony

Event Summaries ˙

IACHR Report on Citizen Security & Human Rights

Citizen security remains a top concern for most Latin American governments as crime and violence spiral out of control and cripple political and economic institutions in the region.

Bridget O'Loughlin

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