
Photo of the Construction of Santo Antonio Dam

From Dams to Data: China’s Shifting Interests in Central America

China’s attempted economic recalibration has already reverberated across the Latin American and Caribbean region, as many countries see new interest from Chinese companies in emerging industries. Asia & Latin America Program Director Margaret Myers considers the increasingly uncertain role of Central America in this new equation.

Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ USIP

Panelists of the New Infrastructure Event Video

New Infrastructure—Emerging Trends in Chinese Investment in Latin America

On April 11, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC) to hold the joint event “New Infrastructure—Emerging Trends in Chinese Investment in Latin America,” which centered around the prospect and impact of China investment in LAC and specifically in Brazil, as well as the LAC region’s approach to fielding opportunities and risks associated with Chinese engagement.

Yifang Wang

Event Summaries ˙

Panelists at Wall Street Event at the Dialogue Video

Wall Street’s Influence on Democracy in Latin America

While the market inherently lacks the ability to discriminate between democratic and undemocratic regimes, the identification of autocracy as a tangible risk factor is crucial. Investors must recognize that supporting non-democratic regimes ultimately undermines their own interests.

Daniel Caballero

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of Mexico City

Why Is Mexico Lagging Behind in Attracting FDI?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on foreign direct investment in Mexico.

Arturo Sarukhán, Lucinda Vargas, Diego Marroquín Bitar, Arnulfo Rodríguez

Latin America Advisor ˙

photo of money Video

China-Latin America Economic Update

On April 12, the Inter-American Dialogue and Boston University Global Development Policy Center co-hosted a public event to consider key trends in China-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) economic relations.

Dante Schulz

Event Summaries ˙

collage of Restrepo, Shifter, and Bogota

Private Roundtable with Colombian Finance Minister José Manuel Restrepo

On February 17, 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a private roundtable with Colombian Finance Minister José Manuel Restrepo. The discussion centered on the country’s economic outlook for the next year and the measures needed for it to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Andrea Colombo

Event Summaries ˙

Shifter in CGTN Video

Shifter: “We have seen the United States increasingly withdrawn from the region and a lot of attention being diverted elsewhere”

Michael Shifter, President of the Inter-American Dialogue, was interviewed by CGTN about the relations between China and Latin American countries. The conversation covered a wide array of topics ranging from the recent bilateral meetings that Chinese President Xi Jinping held with Argentine President Alberto Fernandez and Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso, as well as the stark contrast between Chinese and US influence in the Americas.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN

Image of Lisa Viscidi and Robert Stonerthe Video

The Role of Natural Gas in a Decarbonized World – Regional Insights

On June 14, the Atlantic Council and the Energy Futures Initiative held a webinar on the role of natural gas in the transition to zero-carbon energy systems. Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change & Extractive Industries Program at the Dialogue, spoke about financing natural gas infrastructure in Latin America.

Lisa Viscidi

Presentations ˙ ˙ The Atlantic Council

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News: Rebeca Grynspan

Rebeca Grynspan will be appointed as the next secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) under UN Secretary General António Guterres.

Rebeca Grynspan

Member in the News ˙

Row of solar PV panels

Energy and Climate Change: Latin America as a Strategic Player

In an interview with The Science of Where Magazine, Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change, and Extractive Industries Program, and Sarah Phillips, program assistant, discussed Latin America’s progress toward the energy transition and its geopolitical implications. 

Lisa Viscidi, Sarah Phillips

Interviews ˙ ˙ The Science of Where Magazine

Green cover photo of the report

Energy and Mining in the Amazon

The Amazon rainforest, one of the world’s most important ecosystems, faces environmental impacts from hydroelectric dams, oil and gas drilling sites, and mining projects. A new database and analysis by the Inter-American Dialogue reveals that state-owned enterprises, as well as small and mid-sized international companies from a handful of countries, operate the largest share of such projects in the Amazon region, meaning these companies have a substantial influence over the implementation of environmental and social safeguards.

Lisa Viscidi, Sarah Phillips

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Amazon rainforest Video

Can Biden Woo the World on Climate Change?

In an interview with BBC’s Business Daily, Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change, and Extractive Industries Program, discussed President Biden’s climate foreign policy, deforestation in the Amazon, and US-Brazil relations.

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC

Lisa Viscidi speaks on a panel about China's involvement in the Latin American energy sector. Video

Security Challenges in Latin America

On February 25, the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies held a webinar on security challenges in Latin America. Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change & Extractive Industries Program at the Dialogue, spoke about China’s role in the region’s energy sector and the US response. 

Lisa Viscidi

Presentations ˙ ˙ Johns Hopkins SAIS

Lisa Viscidi speaks at an Institute of the Americas webinar on hydrocarbon development in Argentina Video

Political Transition: United States-Argentina Relations, Energy and Climate, and a Discussion of the Incoming Biden Administration

The Institute of the Americas held a virtual roundtable December 3-4, 2020, on barriers and opportunities for hydrocarbon development in Argentina. Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change & Extractive Industries Program at the Dialogue, was a panelist at the event. She discussed president-elect Biden’s energy plans, US-Argentine relations, and clean technology investment. 

Lisa Viscidi

Presentations ˙ ˙ Institute of the Americas