Margaret Myers, director of the Asia and Latin America Program at the Inter-American Dialogue, discusses the implications of a potential escalation in China-Taiwan relations for Latin America.
Latinoamérica seguirá siendo un proveedor esencial de materias primas para China, un mercado destacado para sus tecnologías y una región clave para su política exterior.
Xi’s work report, which was delivered during the Party Congress, and Chinese officials’ interpretations of it, will shape the country’s domestic and foreign policy in the coming months and years, and, though not expressly focused on China’s plans for overseas engagement, will also have major implications for Latin America and other regions.
Margaret Myers
Articles & Op-Eds ˙
˙ A Belt & Rough Road?: China-Latin America Relations
Margaret Myers, director of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Asia and Latin America Program, spoke with Newsweek about China’s extensive network of partnerships with countries from around the world and the system with which the People’s Republic ranks them.
Michael Shifter, President of the Inter-American Dialogue, was interviewed by CGTN about the relations between China and Latin American countries. The conversation covered a wide array of topics ranging from the recent bilateral meetings that Chinese President Xi Jinping held with Argentine President Alberto Fernandez and Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso, as well as the stark contrast between Chinese and US influence in the Americas.
Durante la reciente visita presidencial a Pekín, la Argentina adhirió formalmente a la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta de China, conocida como BRI, por sus siglas en inglés. Es una buena oportunidad para analizar los alcances y límites de esta iniciativa, aclarando algunos malentendidos que podrían llevar a conclusiones simplistas o equivocadas.
What costs will Latin American countries face in exchange for China’s support, and what are China’s main goals in extending its influence in the region?
Ricardo Barrios, Jorge Heine, Andrea M. Ewart, Ray Walser
In the annual meeting of the world’s largest economies, which starts on Friday in Argentina, it seemed that Latin America and its most pressing concerns – such as the crisis in Venezuela – would be the priorities. However, it is now clear that the current complex global dynamic will dominate.
Irene Estefanía, Ben Raderstorf
Articles & Op-Eds ˙
˙ The New York Times Español
Por segundo año consecutivo, Donald Trump está al tope de las noticias y personajes relevantes en la encuesta GDA. Un año después de su llegada a la Casa Blanca, Estados Unidos atraviesa un período de polarización social, creciente desigualdad y deterioro institucional como pocos en su historia.
Las exportaciones a China de América Latina pasaron de 6 mil millones a 140 mil millones de dólares, 23 veces entre esos años, cifras raramente vistas en el comercio internacional. Los efectos han sido sustanciales.