LIVE: Women, Financial Inclusion, and Family Remittances in Guatemala

Working Group on Child Migration

This group comprises government representatives, civil society leaders, migration and early childhood experts, international organizations, and cooperation agencies. The group’s purpose is to generate a regional consensus on the most effective mechanisms to guarantee the full exercise of the rights of migrant children.

Águeda Marín, Regional Specialist for Protection and Assistance to Migrants, Regional Office for South America Argentina, IOM

Álvaro Botero, Senior Fellow, Inter-American Dialogue

Ariel Fiszbein, Director, Education Program, Inter-American Dialogue

Ariela Luna, Former Minister and Vice-Minister of Development and Social Inclusion Secretary, Copera Infancia

Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian, Director, Department of Social Inclusion, OAS

Brenda Campos, Social Impact Senior Director, Latin America, Sesame Workshop

Camilo Valenzuela, Education Coordinator International Rescue Committee (IRC) Colombia

Carlos del Castillo, Advisor on migrant and refugee early childhood issues, Sesame Workshop

Carolina Brill, Regional Specialist, IOM

Claribel Miranda, Administrative Assistant, Regional Office for South America, IOM

Cristina Lustemberg, Deputy Member of the Frente Amplio and former Vice-Minister of Public Health, Uruguay

Eva Fernández Garza, Manager, Early Childhood Development, FEMSA Foundation

Felipe Muñoz, Head of the Migration Unit, Inter-American Development Bank

Florencia López Boo, Lead Economist of the Social Protection and Health Division, Inter-American Development Bank

Florencia Saffirio Palma, Associate Program Coordinator, UNESCO Santiago

Gracy Pelacani, Director of the Legal Clinic for Migrants, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Heydi Arevalo Mendoza, Strategy and Knowledge Management Manager, World Vision Colombia

Juan Pinzón, Education Specialist, Unicef Panama

Joel Hernández García, Rapporteur on the Rights of Migrant Persons, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, OAS

Laura Gil, Vice-Minister of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia

Leonardo Yánez, Early Childhood Specialist and Former Senior Programme Officer, Bernard van Leer Foundation

Lisa Frydman, Vice President for International Programs Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)

Luis Pedernera Reyna, Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, United Nations

Martín Vinacur, Founder and President, AldeA Santiago, Chile

Micaela Finoli, Research Associate, Inter-American Dialogue

Mileydi Guilarte, Deputy Assistant Director, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, USAID

Mónica Rubio, Regional Adviser, Social Policy, Latin America and the Caribbean, UNICEF

Nashieli Ramírez Hernández, President, Human Rights Commission, Mexico

Pablo Ceriani Cernadas, Member of the Committee of Migrant Workers of the United Nations, Argentina

Pablo Saavedra Alessandri, Executive Secretary, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Costa Rica

Pedro Hartung, Director of Policies and Children’s Rights, Alana Institute, Brazil

Raquel Bernal, Rector, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

Rebecca Bill Chavez, President and CEO, Inter-American Dialogue

Ricardo Bucio, President CEMEFI and former Executive Secretary, SIPINNA Mexico

Roberto Rodríguez Meléndez, Specialist, Unicef El Salvador

Rocío Dutary, Regional Migration and Displacement Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Save the Children, América Latina y el Caribe

Romina Sijniensky, Deputy Executive Secretary, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Costa Rica

Ruth Custode, Education Specialist, Unicef Panama

Sandra Sandoval, Senior Consultant, Child Fund Guatemala

Sarahí González, Deputy Director of Programmes for Colombia, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Colombia

Sindy González Tijerina, Head of Social Investment in Early Childhood, FEMSA Foundation

Sofialeticia Morales Garza, Secretary of Education, State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Victoria Ward, Regional Director, Save the Children for Latin America and the Caribbean

Xavier Altamirano, Executive Director, Fundación Horizonte Ciudadano, Chile

The Inter-American Dialogue Education Program


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