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      Winners Announced for PREAL’s Fourth Education Research Fund Competition

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      The Education Research Fund (FIE), a program coordinated by PREAL with the Support of USAID, recently announced the nine research proposals that have been selected for funding as part of the fourth research competition, which had as its theme, “The teacher as a key actor for improving education.”

      The FIE received 75 proposals from researchers in 16 countries, each of which was reviewed independently by two academic evaluators. PREAL then convened a panel composed of Pablo Gonzáles, Michael Johanek, Patrick McEwan, and Robert Myers, who used the evaluations to select the final winners, in collaboration with PREAL’s co-directors and the executive secretary of FIE, Santiago Cueto.  

      The winning proposals will form the basis of research projects to be carried out in 2012. The winners are:

      • Learning and the Opportunity to Learn in Latin American Primary Education: The Teaching Practice. Researchers: Rubén Cervini, Nora Dari, Silvia Quiróz, and Emilio Tenti of the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina.
      • Educational Reform and Teachers Unions in Brazil. Researchers: Fernando H. E. Guarnieri and Maria Helena Guimarães de Castro of the Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP), Brazil.      
      • The Effects of Accountability Pressures on Teacher Policies and Practices in Low-performing Schools: The Case of Chile. Researchers: Elacqua y Ernesto Treviño of the Universidad Diego Portales, Chile.
      • How do you teach this topic? Pedagogical content knowledge of primary school teachers. An analysis of six fundamental themes in the teaching of reading, writing and mathematics. Researchers: Tatiana Cisternas and Marisol Latorre of the Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Educación (CIDE) of the Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile.
      • Effective Teaching Practices in Multi-grade Classrooms in Impoverished Rural Contexts. Researchers: Mario Alas, German Edgardo Moncada, Russbel Hernández, and Dania María Orellana of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Honduras.
      • Public School Teachers in a Collective Context: The Transformational Power of Tutorial Relationships and Learning Communities. Researchers: Gabriel Cámara, Santiago Rincón Gallardo Shimada, and Annette Santos del Real of Redes de Tutoría, S.C. México.
      • A Teachers’ Profession or a Professional Teaching Service? The Political Economy of Reforms that Favor the Evaluation and Promotion of Teachers in the Mexican Education System. Researchers: Felipe Hevia and Jorge Javier Romero of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), Mexico.
      • Teacher Absenteeism: Associated Factors and their Effects on Performance. Researchers: Gabriela Guerrero and Juan León of GRADE and Penn State University, Peru.
      • Evaluation of Learning in the Natural Sciences in Latin American Secondary Schools. Researchers: Pedro Ravela, Julia Leymonié, and Beatriz Picaroni of the Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay.

      We would like to thank all of the applicants for their proposals. We expect to announce another competition in the coming months on the subject of leadership in education.

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