Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Blog & Topic: Latin America Advisor

Will Mexico’s Labor Unions Exert New Power Under AMLO?

What are the reasons behind the workers’ strikes in Mexico, and will there be more labor strife in the period ahead? How powerful are unions in Mexico’s manufacturing sector? Will proposed changes in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement alter the business-labor dynamics in the country?

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Fabian Saide Joins the Board of Advisors

Fabian Saide has joined the biweekly Financial Services Advisor publication’s board of advisors. A native of Mexico, he is the founder, CEO and president of Paykii, a global cross-border payment platform that empowers individuals living abroad to pay bills and help support family back home.

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Décadas después, ¿ha sido positiva la dolarización para Ecuador?

Casi 20 años han pasado desde que Ecuador decidió dolarizar su economía en enero del 2000. ¿Cuáles han sido las ventajas y desventajas de la dolarización para el país suramericano? ¿Qué consecuencias tiene el hecho de tener una economía dolarizada para la situación económica actual de Ecuador, y regresará el país a su propia moneda algún día?

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Making Cities in Latin America Smarter

Latin America’s leading cities have a legacy challenge. Population growth has outstripped their ability to deliver infrastructure and services, creating daily stress from issues like gridlock, crime, and pollution. The region’s cities have have to figure out how to deliver more for less.

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Venezuela’s Drone Mystery

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has accused leading opposition lawmakers, Colombia’s government and financial backers in the United States of having a role in what Venezuela claims was an attempt to assassinate Maduro and military leaders with armed drones at a public event on Aug. 4. Authorities have made some arrests in the case, but it remains to be proven publicly who orchestrated the attack. What are the biggest takeaways from the drone bomb mystery?

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