Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Teacher Policy

All children deserve the support and guidance of an excellent teacher.

There is growing recognition in Latin America of the critical importance of improving teacher (and teaching) quality, buttressed by a mounting body of research and evidence showing the essential role educators play in improving learning and the limited effectiveness of teachers in the region. In country after country, efforts are underway to reform certain aspects of the teaching profession, from teacher training and professional development to recruitment and evaluation.

The Inter-American Dialogue is a regional leader in promoting informed policy debate and strengthening civil society support to improve teacher policy in Latin America. The goal is to raise the profile of education reform, stimulate debate, and help build the consensus necessary to enable the region’s governments to adopt new and more effective teacher policies.


The Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence brings together a loose network of organizations and individuals that share the overall goal of making the teaching profession more meritocratic, and better prepared and supported. We work to promote consensus on the necessary reforms and to provide the political and social support to implement and carry them out in a sustainable fashion.

Regional Panorama of Teacher Policies

The regional panorama considers the current state of teacher policies across fourteen Latin American countries. The document suggests that there is much that we can learn from taking a regional view of teacher policy. This perspective allows us to answer such questions as: Where are there bottlenecks and in what areas has progress been made? Are there certain areas where a regional approach may make sense or where a shared effort could move the needle towards addressing persistent and confounding challenges? What are specific examples where countries have been successful at developing solutions that might work in other contexts? The Panorama considers five dimensions: initial teacher education, teaching career, school leadership, continuing professional development and teacher evaluation.


In order to build awareness among leaders and decision-makers regarding the importance of teacher policy, the Dialogue has partnered with organizations in the region to produce a series of teacher policy report cards. The report cards seek to strengthen the capacity of national groups to analyze education policy and create a group of energized leaders – governmental and nongovernmental – capable of promoting reforms.

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