Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Remittance Industry Observatory (RIO)

As the competitive nature of remittance industry moves forward, the US economy shows signs of improvement, Latin American migration patterns shift, and various countries in the Americas review their legislation on migration, it is becoming increasingly important for industry leaders to stay informed of the trends that will affect their businesses. The Remittance Industry Observatory (RIO), an initiative of the Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development Program, seeks to improve knowledge and information about the remittance market.

Partnership with RIO offers a wide range of products and services tailored to the interests of the money transfer industry. This project is targeted to a select number of companies that will have exclusive access to the information provided. RIO membership includes:

  • Monthly Newsletter: provides current data and analysis of industry and remittance performance, relevant news, and insight.
  • Bimonthly Data Release: includes profiles for countries of special industry interest, research data, and analysis.
  • Quarterly Conference Call: in-depth analysis of current issues and interaction with experts, policy makers, and other relevant figures.

For more information or to join, contact Patrick Springer, Program Assistant, at

RIO Members

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