

Inter-American Dialogue Among Top 2% of US Think-Tanks

The Dialogue was ranked among the top two percent of think tanks in the US for the third consecutive year

Washington, DC – The Inter-American Dialogue is ranked among the top two percent of think tanks in the United States for the third consecutive year, according to a new University of Pennsylvania survey.

“This ranking is a measure of the Dialogue’s success in generating new policy ideas and practical proposals for action, and in getting these ideas and proposals to government and private decision makers,” said Michael Shifter, president of the Dialogue. “Such peer recognition means our work is having a real impact.”

The Dialogue is ranked 37th in the Global Go-To Think Tank Index’s (GGTTI) 2013 survey, up one spot from its ranking in last year’s survey. It is the only organization among the top 50 listed think-tanks that focuses primarily on issues affecting a specific region of the world.

The GGTTI has been produced annually by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania. More than 6.500 think tanks and 9,000 scholars, public and private donors, policy makers, and journalists from over 150 countries were invited to participate in 2013’s nomination and ranking process. GGTTI rates think tanks on the basis of nearly 30 criteria, including quality, reach, and impact of the research, analysis, and publications produced and ability to challenge traditional wisdom, generate innovative policy ideas, and introduce new voices in the policy-making process.

Co-chaired by former president Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico and former US Trade Representative Carla A. Hills, the Inter-American Dialogue is the leading US center for policy analysis, exchange, and communication on issues in Western Hemisphere affairs. For over 30 years, the Dialogue has brought together public and private leaders from across the Americas to address pressing problems facing the region and to identify opportunities for advancement.

A not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, the Dialogue relies on the financial support of individuals, corporations, and foundations that share its commitment to advancing a regional agenda of democratic governance, social equity, and economic growth.


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