Press Mentions

Some Latin American countries have encouraged non-conventional renewable technologies, such as wind and solar, whose price has fallen steeply. Rather than copy European subsidies, they have done so by fixing targets and by using auctions in which the market determines the supply price.
If you own an electric car in Santiago or Mexico, you don't really need to worry. There’s a fair amount of public charging infrastructure. But in other cities where there’s not as much advance, like in Quito or Lima, there’s very little infrastructure, and so you would have to rely on having the charging station in your home.
La decisión de no utilizar la OTCA parece ser política. El gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela intentó invocar a la Organización en respuesta a los incendios. Sin embargo, los miembros del Grupo de Lima [gobiernos de la región y Canadá que desconocen a Maduro] rechazaron este llamado y se convocó a la reunión de Leticia exceptuando a Caracas. 
The fact that the US, the second-largest contributor to climate change, is not going to sign on to climate agreements and take action on climate change helps fuel Bolsonaro’s argument: 'Then why should Brazil?' It gives Bolsonaro the sense that Brazil doesn’t have to sacrifice its own economic benefits for the rest of the world; that the handling of the Amazon is really Brazil’s decision alone.
[El descubrimiento de nuevos reservorios de gas natural en Brasil y Argentina y el declive en la exploración y explotación de los campos bolivianos] lo pone más difícil para Bolivia porque ya no tiene el monopolio y ahora debe volverse más competitivo en cuestión de costo.
The Dos Bocas refinery is something concrete that President López Obrador can show he's doing to reduce dependency on the US, even if it doesn't get finished during his term. He believes that his supporters are really going to like that.
Massive loss of the Amazon rain forest would spell catastrophe not just for the 30 million people living there but also for the world. Half of the world’s tropical forests are in the Amazon and yet deforestation produces 8 percent of net global emissions, more than the entire EU.   
Investors in renewable energy companies have been scared off by López Obrador’s comments, even though in the past all anyone talked about was Mexico. And the cancellation of the [December 2018] electricity auction means the mechanism to enter the market isn’t there. Investors who are not already in Mexico have written it off.
I think for the most part we are already seeing the impact that secondary sanctions would have. Official secondary sanctions would close some loopholes Venezuela is still able to exploit, but Venezuela is already very dependent on exporting to countries that refuse to get in line with US sanctions policy.