Below are links to access a new set of of working papers from the the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) on conditional cash transfer programs, including one by Paul Glewwe and Ana Lucia Kassouf on the impact of Bolsa Escola (in Brazil) on enrollment and passage rates in basic education.
1) Heterogeneity Analysis of the Bolsa Família Programme Effect on Men and Women’s Work Supply
Author: Clarissa Gondim Teixeira
Series: Working Paper # 61
2) Benefiting without Receiving Money? Externalities of Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Schooling, Health and the Village Economy
Author: Christian Lehmann
Series: Policy Research Brief # 13
3) Direct or mediated relationships? Civic involvement and social accountability in the Bolsa Família programme
Author: Felipe Hevia
Series: One Pager # 106
4) What is the Impact of the Bolsa Família Program on Education?
Author: Paul Glewwe and Ana Lúcia Kassouf
Series: One Pager # 107