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The Dominican business professional Juan Tomás Tavares opens this issue of ProEducation with an opinion column emphasizing the importance of the private sector commitment to education. This is as important on a micro level – involving businesses in the education of their own communities – as it is on a macro level – leveraging businesses to contribute to policy development and institutional reforms.
This edition highlights, among other things, the launch of the movement “Together for Education” in Paraguay; the opening of a new chapter of “United for Education” in Coclé, Panama, adding to the chapters already established in the provinces is Chiriquí, Colón, Herrera and Los Santos; and the teacher policy events that PREAL organized in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic with national partners EDUQUEMOS and EDUCA, respectively. The newsletter also summarizes the Business-Education Alliance Program’s visits to three countries to collect information for the document “Business Groups for Education: Lessons and Reflections About the Experience,” which PREAL will publish in the second half of 2012.