Roberto Bonetti Guerra
Roberto Bonetti Guerra is president of MercaSID, one of the Dominican Republic’s largest manufacturers and distributors of food products and home goods, and vice president
Roberto Bonetti Guerra is president of MercaSID, one of the Dominican Republic’s largest manufacturers and distributors of food products and home goods, and vice president
Dialogue Member Leonel Fernández was president of the Dominican Republic from 1996 to 2000 and 2004 to 2012. Fernández has been serving as the president of the World Federation of United Nations Association since 2018.
Dialogue Member Elena Viyella de Paliza is president of Inter-Química, a Dominican importer and exporter of a wide variety of chemical products, and EDUCA, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving quality of education.
The Dialogue is a hemispheric organization that builds networks of cooperation and action to advance democratic resilience, shared prosperity, social inclusion, and sustainable development across the Americas. We impact policy debates, devise solutions, and enhance collaboration to unlock meaningful change in the Western Hemisphere.
Inter-American Dialogue
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