The civil society group Mexicanos Primero launched this week “Ahora es Cuando: Metas 2012-2024” (Now is the time: Goals 2012-2024), a report which proposes four ways to transform education in Mexico: Reestablish the authority of the Mexican State in education, Teacher professional development, Transparent and efficient expenditure, and Schools Autonomy and Participation.
Unlike Mexicanos Primero’s annual reports that monitor the state of education – Contra la Pared (2009) (Against the Wall), Brechas (2010) (Gaps), and Metas (2011) (Goals) – Now is the time: Goals 2012-2024 presents benchmarks, along with their respective education indicators, for each year between 2012 and 2024, as well as steps to take to achieve them. In the end, it presents ambitious but necessary educational goals for the year 2024, such as having 85% of students graduating from high school, 70% of students attending college, and levels of student achievement similar to OECD countries.
You can find the full report (in Spanish) by clicking here.
To see slides that summarize the report (in Spanish), click here.