We are pleased to share an article written by our colleague, Michael Lisman, on the surge in interest on education reform in the United States, published last month in The Guardian.

A fair wind for educational reform 

Michael Lisman (guardian.co.uk)

Thursday 21 October 2010

Despite a fractious political sphere, a powerful consensus is emerging on the need for visionary change in US schools. Education reform is hot. A wonky topic normally relegated to second tier media coverage, it was the subject of both an Oprah Winfrey special and an Economist feature in the same week. The buzz from new movies like Davis Guggenheim’s Waiting for Superman, The Lottery and Race to Nowhere have played a part in pulling on heartstrings with compelling narratives. But the movies are based on some compelling trends in education reform, which are capturing hearts and headlines on their own.

Read the complete article here.

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