Race and Policing in the US and Brazil
On July 23, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Race and Policing in the US and Brazil,” to discuss what the recent cases of police violence reveal about systemic racism in the United States and Brazil.
On July 23, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Race and Policing in the US and Brazil,” to discuss what the recent cases of police violence reveal about systemic racism in the United States and Brazil.
On June 23 from 3:00-4:30 PM (EDT), the Dialogue will host the event “Race and Policing in the US and Brazil” to discuss what the recent cases of police violence reveal about systemic racism in the US and Brazil and what a reform agenda should look like in each country.
El presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, Michael Shifter, cree que se configura sobe EEUU una tormenta perfecta, en la que se combinan la explosión social por la muerte de George Floyd, la pandemia y la polarización que provoca el presidente de Estados Unidos. Javier Conde de El Observador le preguntó sobre este y otros temas.
En esta entrevista con No Hay Derecho, Michael Shifter habló con Glatzer Tuesta, el director del Instituto de Defensa Legal e Ideeleradio, sobre la pandemia y las protestas recientes en los Estados Unidos y sus implicaciones para el futuro.
El presidente de Diálogo Interamericano, Michael Shifter, analiza para Peru21 qué hay detrás de las protestas en EE.UU., las cuales durante una semana han movilizado a miles de personas en diferentes estados y han llevado al presidente Donald Trump a amenazar con sacar a los militares a las calles.
En esta entrevista para el programa La Nota Dura en El Financiero, Michael Camilleri y Javier Risco hablan sobre la situación actual de las manifestaciones en los Estados Unidos y las reacciones del presidente Trump y los gobiernos estatales.
Under President Juan Manuel Santos, the Colombian government has vastly expanded protected areas, creating new national parks and providing land titles to indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities in the Amazon, Chocó and other important forest regions. However, many challenges remain. National parks and indigenous and Afro-Colombian lands continue to be threatened by illegal occupation, coca cultivation and illegal gold mining.
Under President Juan Manuel Santos, the Colombian government has vastly expanded protected areas, creating new national parks and providing land titles to indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities in the Amazon, Chocó and other important forest regions. However, many challenges remain. National parks and indigenous and Afro-Colombian lands continue to be threatened by illegal occupation, coca cultivation and illegal gold mining.
Under President Juan Manuel Santos, the Colombian government has vastly expanded protected areas, creating new national parks and providing land titles to indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities in the Amazon, Chocó and other important forest regions. However, many challenges remain. National parks and indigenous and Afro-Colombian lands continue to be threatened by illegal occupation, coca cultivation and illegal gold mining.
Education remains the best means to address persistent income inequality based on gender and race in Latin America, argued Hugo Ñopo.
The Dialogue is a hemispheric organization that builds networks of cooperation and action to advance democratic resilience, shared prosperity, social inclusion, and sustainable development across the Americas. We impact policy debates, devise solutions, and enhance collaboration to unlock meaningful change in the Western Hemisphere.
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