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      Impact of Teacher Evaluations

      In the second year of the Washington program, known as IMPACT, approximately 16 percent of the teachers evaluated earned bonuses of up to $25,000. This percentage parallels last years’ results and is similar to estimates by economists of the proportion of teachers that are highly effective. About a third received the highly effective rating for the second year in a row and became eligible for significant increases in their base pay. Under the IMPACT program, teachers must agree to give up tenure in return for the possibility of earning annual bonuses and permanent pay raises. Approximately 5 percent of the teachers were rated ineffective last year or minimally effective for the second year in a row, and were dismissed. The IMPACT program also evaluated the performance of principals for the first time this year.The new system includes a two-part evaluation, consisting of leadership outcomes and student achievement.

      In New York City, tougher evaluation criteria this year decreased the number of teachers who received tenure by nearly 30 percent from last year. Under the new procedure, teachers must be rated effective or highly effective to be eligible for tenure after three years. Five years ago, nearly 100 percent of eligible New York City public school teachers received tenure.

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