The Inter-American Dialogue’s membership is composed of over 100 esteemed public and private leaders from the United States, Canada, and 21 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Among them, 18 have served as presidents of their countries, over three dozen have served at the cabinet level, and 17 have held seats in national legislatures. Dialogue members enrich our debate on the region’s most pressing issues, lend credibility to our policy outputs, and ensure diverse perspectives across the ideological spectrum.
The Dialogue is a hemispheric organization that builds networks of cooperation and action to advance democratic resilience, shared prosperity, social inclusion, and sustainable development across the Americas. We impact policy debates, devise solutions, and enhance collaboration to unlock meaningful change in the Western Hemisphere.
Inter-American Dialogue
1155 15th Street NW | Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
P: +1-202-822-9002
F: +1-202-822-9553