Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

  • United States

Tom Shannon spent over 30 years in the foreign service, most recently as under secretary of state for political affairs in the US Department of State from 2016-2018. He previously served as counselor and senior advisor to the secretary following a four-year term as US ambassador to Brazil. Shannon served as assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs from 2005-2009 and as special assistant to the president and senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs at the National Security Council from 2003 to 2005, among other senior roles across the region. He is now a senior international policy advisor for Arnold & Porter.

Shannon joined the Dialogue as a Member in 2018. He currently serves as Co-Chair of the Dialogue’s Board of Directors.



ONLINE EVENT: Renewed Cooperation in a Troubled Hemisphere – Towards the Summit of the Americas

Online Event

A Conversation with Lenín Moreno

Inter-American Dialogue
1155 15 Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC

Book Launch: Unfulfilled Promises – Latin America Today

Inter-American Dialogue
1155 15th St NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

Press Mentions

Considerando o modo como Putin tem buscado aumentar suas posições na guerra agora, acredito que o governo Biden não vê Putin pronto para negociar nada. Há um grau de ceticismo com o que a Rússia está dizendo em relação à sugestão do Brasil de criar um grupo de mediadores mais neutros.

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

I think the numbers will probably tighten as we get closer to the vote … which still puts Lula in front, but not by a huge margin.

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

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