Thiago Barral

  • Brazil

Thiago Barral is president of Energy Research Office (Empresa de Pesquisa Energética), a Brazilian institution responsible for energy planning studies and official state energy statistics. Energy Research Office (EPE) is related to the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil. Its works include the National Energy Plan, the annual editions of the 10-Year Energy Plan, and the National Energy Balance. Barral joined EPE in 2007, having previously served as director of energy economics and environmental studies, and prior to that as head of the power generation department. Since 2018, it is the focal point for Brazil’s engagement at the Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation and supports collaboration with the International Energy Agency and bilateral energy cooperation programs. Barral also has a seat at the National Energy Policy Council and the Power Sector Monitoring Committee. Barral holds a degree in civil engineering, a master’s in water resources and environment, and a post-graduate degree in public administration. 


Barral was a speaker at a Dialogue event.


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