Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Sallie Hughes

  • United States

Sallie Hughes is associate dean for Global Initiatives at the School of Communication and senior faculty research lead at the Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas, both at the University of Miami. She coordinates the Latin American and Caribbean region of the Worlds of Journalism Study, the largest cross-national study of journalists’ working conditions, professional values and occupational epistemologies, with research teams currently working in more than 100 countries worldwide. She is the author of Newsrooms in Conflict: Journalism and the Democratization of Mexico and co-author of Making a Life in Multiethnic Miami: Immigration and the Rise of a Global City. Her current research interests include journalist safety, risk and resiliency. She holds a PhD in Latin American Studies from Tulane University and has been working in or on Latin America since her time as a journalist in Mexico during that country’s political transition in the 1990s.

Hughes was an event speaker at the Dialogue.


ONLINE EVENT: Media and Democracy in the Americas V – Surviving Journalism in Latin America

Online Conference

ONLINE EVENT: Media and Democracy in the Americas IV – Overcoming Distrust in Media

Online Conference

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