Ross LaJeunesse

  • United States

Ross LaJeunesse’s long career includes advancing human rights and economic development in the government, business and non-profit sectors. Currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service, LaJeunesse served as an advisor to US Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell and to Senator Edward Kennedy. He was Senator Kennedy’s lead advisor on national and community service and reinventing government issues, and also worked to advance LGBTQ equality legislation. LaJeunesse served as chief of staff to California State Controller Steve Westly and as deputy chief of staff for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has also served as head of International Relations for Google, where he oversaw the company’s efforts to advance human rights and a free and open Internet around the world.

LaJeunesse graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College with a degree in Asian Studies, and studied advanced Arabic at the American University in Cairo. He received his law degree with honors from Harvard Law School. He is a member of the Board of the Victory Institute and a member of the Board of Trustees of Freedom House, a leading non-profit founded by Eleanor Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie that works to promote human rights and democracy globally.

LaJeunesse was an event speaker at the Dialogue.


ONLINE EVENT – LGBTQ Rights and US Foreign Policy: A Need to Lead

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