Rosanety Barrios Beltrán

  • Mexico  
  • North America

Rosanety Barrios Beltrán is one the most recognized energy experts in Mexico. Her professional experience spans 15 years in the Mexican financial sector and more than 20 in the energy sector, in which she worked as a public servant for the Energy Regulatory Commission and for the Secretary of Energy between 2000 and 2018.

She has a 360-degree view of the energy sector, thanks to her experience as part of the team in charge of designing the Constitutional electric reform and the legal and regulatory design of the hydrocarbon reform in natural gas markets (intimately related to the electric sector), petroleum, and LPG.

Together with 20 other experts, Barrios founded the collective Voz Experta, AC¸whose mission was to make visible expert women in the energy sector. She is a member of the Mexican chapter of the International Women’s Forum and writes monthly in Opinión 51, as well as publishing technical articles in México Como Vamos. Currently, she is an energy policy and regulatory consultant.

She possesses a master’s degree in finance from UNAM as well as in economic regulation from the University of Barcelona. She also is certified as an independent counselor by IPADE.

 Barrios Beltrán was an event speaker at the Dialogue.


Energy Series: Xóchitl Gálvez’s Priorities with Rosanety Barrios Beltrán

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