Roberto Teixeira da Costa

  • Brazil

Roberto Teixeira da Costa is a Brazilian businessman, economist, and scholar, presently serving as president and founder of the Arbitrage Chamber of the São Paulo Stock Market. He was previously a board member of Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDESPAR) and chairman of the Latin America Business Council. Costa was the founding chair and first president of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CBM). He also founded and has directed the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), the Latin American Business Council (CEAL), and Brasilpar, the first venture capital company in Brazil. Costa is a member of the International Advisory Council of Fundação Dom Cabral, the Board of Directors of the Grupo de Acompanhamento da Conjuntura Internacional (GACINT) and of the Instituto de Relações Internacionais of USP (Universidade São Paulo), and sits on the advisory boards of Bladex, Banco Finantia, FLIP, and Havas Brazil.


Teixeira da Costa joined the Dialogue as a Member in 1996. He formerly served on the Dialogue’s Board of Directors.


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